QLC+ and BCF2000 data range (128 vs 256)

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I have a problem and can't find a solution. Most likely it is a setting i can't find to set up correctly. But first, the setup:

QLC+ 4.12.2 on Win10
Behringer BCF2000, connected via USB

Goal: using the BCF as light controller, controlling some Moving heads and some PARs.

Problem: in QLC+ i get only a fader range from 0 to 127 instead of 0 to 255.

Actual setup and behaviour: in the virtual console i've set up some faders (just started, still learning) to control the moving heads. They should accept BCF faders as input. So far this works. The BCF fader is set to send values in Absolute 14bit mode, ranging from 0 to 255. The display on the BCF does show the correct values. The fader in QLC+ also accepts the input from the BCF, on the screen the fader moves and also the moving heads move correctly so far. Except that the range is not 0 to 255 but twice 0 to 127. Means, on the BCF i move the fader from 0 to 127, in QLC it moves from 0 to 255. When i go from 127 to 128 on the BCF, in QLC+ it sets back to 0 and goes again to 255.
So instead once fom 0 to 255, i get twice 0 to 127.

Probably i'm missing a simple setting somewhere but i spent hours on this one and didn't get a step closer to a solution. So if anyone has an idea what i'm missing, i would really appreciate every help.

Thank you for your time and patience.
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Joined: Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 am
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Real Name: Jano Svitok

IIRC QLC+ does not support 14bit mode, it recognizes only 7 bits, and scales them to 8bits (read: doubles the value).
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