I've been able to start QLCPlus as part of the start up routine with LXE desktop on www.DietPi.com, with an old Samsung N150 64 bit Netbook, including all the startup options, but I was looking for a less intensive payload on the CPU.
I even tried to run VNC of some kind so that I can remotely view the desktop, which kind of worked, until I realised that there were two desktops each with a VNC connection and their own copy of QLCPlus.
So in the end, I took inspiration from Massimo's Raspberry Pi project (which I happily paid for) and I knuckled down to working out how to get xinit to start QLCplus on an Odroid C4.
(I removed all desktop managers and VNC software)
It was actually a lot easier than I had anticipated.
All I had to do was confirm that QLCPlus worked on the platform (which I had by using the LXE desktop), then edit the /DietPi/dietpi.txt config file to add the file I wanted to load, by adding this last line
Code: Select all
# D I E T - P I
# QLCplus autostart options
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
and add the following to the /var/lib/dietpi/dietpi-autostart/custom.sh file
Code: Select all
echo Start an X session with qlcplus
echo -------------------------------------------
echo --
echo Assuming that this entry is in /DietPi/dietpi.txt
echo SOFTWARE_QLCPLUS_AUTOSTART=/opt/qlc_startup.qxw
echo -----------------------------------------------
FILE=$(grep -m1 '^[[:blank:]]*SOFTWARE_QLCPLUS_AUTOSTART=' /DietPi/dietpi.txt | sed 's/^[^=]*=//')
echo Startup file from dietpi.txt $FILE
# Create startup options for QLCplus
QLC_OPTS="-m -w -f -c 400,500,40,50 -p -o "$FILE
# Find the exact path to QLCplus
FP_QLCPLUS=$(command -v qlcplus)
echo Attempting command ---- xinit $FP_QLCPLUS $QLC_OPTS
# --- Just comment out this last line if you don't want to load QLCplus
All I'd like to be able to do now is create some kind of VNC connection to the Xinit session so I can remotely edit the setup, rather than just run it via the web interface