QLC+ 4.12.2 Chaser ist playing scenes only once the stucks

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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I've created a chaser with some scenes in.
After I stepped the scenes manually I noticed that the scenes only got played once.
If I (e.g.) start wit a blue scene followed by a green scene and I step back nothing changes anymore.
I made a short video about this effect, you can see in the DMX values that nothing changes no more.
Ju just have to remove the .jpg extension to make it an .mp4 again
Therefor I think it is a bug.
Can someone confirm or did I do something wrong.
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Can you be a bit more specific, explain what exactly you are trying to do with which function and widget, and/or provide a scenario that demonstrates your issues, please?

- You didn't attach any .jpg or .mp4 to your post.

- Your workspace is quite populated with fixtures (the Lixada RGBW definition is missing btw), fixture and channel groups, functions and VC widgets that don't correlate to what you describe in your post ( e.g. the cue list plays a chaser that has set infinite duration, and thus of course doesn't run by itself)...

Where/how do you step through and run the chasers? The functions tab and editors there are only for previewing, running should happen in Virtual console's playback mode.

- Trying in VC, if I replace the cuelist chaser by "Fade Basic Colors" (the one that starts blue then goes to green, like you describe) it runs as expected, and the DMX monitor shows correct color changes for the LED PARs.

Also tell what QLC version and operating system you are using. I am running self compiled 4.12.3-qt5-git with damo's unfinished audio trigger/fft patch applied (see this thread), under linux...
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here is where I come from and where I want to go:
I've created all my settings (scenes, chasers, collection, etc) step by step to learn how QLC+ works and to get familiar with all the functions. That's why there is so many unused stuff lying around. My goal is to steer the lightshow based on precise midi signal that comes from a DAW.
The Midi notes fired based o a clictrack that every song has and the band plays upon.
I've created the scenes and arranged them in a chaser. I want to use one chaser per song.
The chaser is controlled by a quelist (see attachment)
The DAW sends a dedicated Midi note to that the cue to go to the next step.
That all works technically and I can see that the steps in the que are proceeded every time I send the given Midi note.
So far so good.
But then I noticed that the lights looked diffrent to the scene that should be actually played in the cue list.
After testing manually in the chaser I found the weird effect.
Even after the moving heads scene was started all stopped working as expected.
When I call the scenes one by one the all work fine but automatically calle by a cue list / chaser they don't.
Once you have the chaser in this "stucked mode", you can pick every scene you want, but nothing will change anymore. After restarting QLC everything works fine again untill you start the cue list agin.
For troubleshooting I deleted everything unneccesary from vitual console, shows, etc. to avoid any side effects.
I thougt that the channel grouping perhaps could have some effects so I splitted the PAR from the moving heads - no effect!
I'm totally stuck with this.
The Lixada fixture definition was created by myself, following the spec sheet of the PARs
The video I made was removed by the admin :shock:
I only see QLC+ 4.12.2 as a version
I run Win10 latest build
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On the chaser uncheck infinite in Fade In and Fade Out and check infinite in Duration. And then it works.
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Great, thanks!
This would be the last place I'd have checked...
Even when I selected a scene an nothing happened I thought that this must have been a bug.
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