Fadeout Button

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Hello Forum,

i have a Scene named Itensity with a Fadeouttime of 1 second. In the virtual Console is a Fader that is linked to that Scene to control the intensity.
Now i added a button named FadeOut as Flashfunction. But the Button dont use the Fadeouttime from the scene.
Is there a solution?

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As the word says 'flash' it is an instant action - no timing involved.
If you use a normal button and connect that to your scene (with fade out timing) - when you release the button the scene will fade out.
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Hello GGGss,

in normal Mode the following happens:

When i move the slider lets say to 100, the button gets an orange Frame. When i now press the Fadeout Button, the value switch to 0 without fadeout. The frame around the button gest green.
When i now move the slider to 100 and then press the button, the fadeout works. Now the green Frame disappears.

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after Playing around with the "Monitor the selected channels and update the slider level" i think this is can solve my problems when:

1. I have activated a scene.
2. I override the settings with the slider manually (the resetbutton is red now).
3. i activate a new scene. Here it should be possible to have an option "release overrides at the override value first"

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Wait a minute - you are saying that you use simple desk together with VC?
Simple desk always wins the battle and is merely there to try out thing and debug stuff...

What if you set the scene level in VC and try what you want to do?
Slider on VC in level control and from there on...
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Sorry i dont use simple desk. Only virtual console!
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Attached a Show with the problem...

i think the solution in code ist something like this:

when a function starts:
1. look if some of the enabled Channels in the function are overritten
2. find the Sliderobjects in the virtualconsole witch are responsible for the overrides.
3. set the value of the blue line to the value of the green Line. (Lines of the monitored VC-Sliders)
4. set the isOverriding function of the sliders to false

then proceed with the function (scene,...)
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Perhaps a first test is to change the behavior of the resetbutton.
Im not shure how to copy the override value to the channels.

void VCSlider::slotResetButtonClicked()
m_isOverriding = false;
m_resetButton->setStyleSheet(QString("QToolButton{ background: %1; }")

// request to delete all the active fader channels
foreach (QSharedPointer<GenericFader> fader, m_fadersMap.values())
if (!fader.isNull())

emit monitorDMXValueChanged(m_monitorValue);
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The solution for the fadeout button is simple:

Make a script with the content "stop function" to stop the function assigned to the slider. Assign a VC-Button to this script and name it "Fadeout"

Thank you for the help.
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