RGB Matrix Rows Missing

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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Joined: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:13 am
Real Name: Brian

Hi there.

I have a situation where one RGB panel is made up of two 15x10 subpanels, each on its own universe. That is, panel "A" has 150 pixels occupying U1:1-450, and panel "B" has 150 pixels occupying U2:1-450.

I built this up in QLC by first creating two RGB Matrix fixtures in the fixture manager, each 15-wide by 10-high, one for universe 1 and one for universe 2. Then I deleted the two fixture groups that were created, and made one new fixture group that is 15 wide and 20 tall, and manually added each row to it. So far so good.

Now I go to the Function Manager and create a new RGB Matrix function. When I choose my RGB panel fixture group, the preview creates an array 15-wide by 20-tall, but half the actual rows are missing. If I run the effect, the missing rows are also missing from the output; that is, the same rows in the actual panel are not lit up. This is also reflected in the "Fixture Monitor." But the function behaves as if the rows are there (e.g. a vertical "fill unfill" takes the correct amount of time for all 20 rows). I've attached a screenshot of the preview area as well as the fixture monitor (although I only put the first 10 rows on it). I've also attached the qxw file.

I'm using QLC+ 4.12.1 on Debian 10 (Buster).

So...Why are rows missing from the function? How can I fix it?

the QLC+ workspace file
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Screen shot of the fixture monitor, showing the missing rows in the output
Screen shot of the fixture monitor, showing the missing rows in the output
missing_rows_monitor.png (9.38 KiB) Viewed 2391 times
Screen shot of the function, showing missing rows in the preview
Screen shot of the function, showing missing rows in the preview
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Posts: 643
Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am
Real Name: Edgar Aichinger

It seems something went terribly wrong while creating your fixture group...

look at the workspace file with a text editor: the fixture group definition starts at line 260 and while at line 262 it states

Code: Select all

<Size X="15" Y="20"/>
it has more than 15 "head" lines for a specific Y value later, while other Y values are missing, just like the matrix editor shows (which still truncates each line to 15 units...).

I went ahead and simply defined three more groups, one for each universe and one for both together again, by shift-selecting the fixtures and using the context menu to add them to a new group; they get added in the same order they are being displayed in the left, so I clicked the dmx address caption to ensure the right order.

Now, when selecting any of the new groups in the matrix editor, it looks ok to me...
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