Problems with starting software

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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I have both raspberry pi 3 and 4, and tried provided image for raspberry on them. The software doesn't work on both of them.

I can access raspberries over ssh, and over display(with HDMI), but I can't with raspberryIp:9999. However it doesn't have graphical user interface. I expected to be like official raspbian image. When you run "qlcplus" in terminal it tells you "could not connect to any X display".

However the main qlcplus service(/etc/init.d/qlcplus) is working(enabled and active). I don't know what I can do. Unfortunately even if the image is working, I don't think it will help me.

I built it on raspberry 4(there is description on github). Everything wokrs fine(with GUI, web, etc). But for my project, I have to start my "show" on event. To walkaround the problem, with impossible cli control, I created VNC server, and started the qlcplus on it. So I have virtual display, where everything related with qlcplus runs. In this way my main display is free for other gui related things. I started and stopped the show with xdotool(imitating mouse clicking). Everything was fine, until in one moment, when I created my show with all the animations and effects it started to crash in random places of the show.

I really appreciate your efforts for this software. It's great with lot of opportunities. I realize how difficult is to create smth so big and open source. So its normal to have bugs. I hope it will be better in the near future.
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