RPI reboot

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:32 pm
Real Name: Paulo Roberto de Macedo

How to make rspi qlc + automatically initialize a created show. because every time it restarts it is blank so I have to load the project every reboot :shock: :shock:
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

You need to set an autostart project.
Please check the provided PDF.
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Feb 13, 2019 7:31 am
Real Name: JoelM

Hi Paulo,
it is all in the documentation.... however for some of us it's harder than others. Personally, I'm a very slow learner!

I use a mac to create the show, and then run it from a raspbery pi. I used to load it up using the web interface, however now I don't, as I found it would never have the correct input/output settings and my OSC and artnet wouldn't work.
Now I copy the file to the raspberry via SCP (using Transmit - check the app store or google it) and then move it into place using scripts. The script also tidies up the XML file to fix up input/output differences and copies updated profiles and fixtures from my mac.

Essentially you need to copy your project to the raspberry pi, then ssh into the pi and copy it to the correct directory and rename it.

If your project file is called project.qxw on your computer, you need to transfer it to your raspberry, say into /home/pi
ssh into your raspberry pi, and then mv it as follows (change filenames to suit)
sudo mv /home/pi/project.qxw /root/.qlcplus/autostart.qxw
Then reboot to have the change take effect
sudo shutdown -r now

Hope this helps. I'd also recommend printing out the manual, and being prepared to spend many hours learning the system and not expecting a quick 'fix' for anything. It does all work, but it's not magic, and needs everything set correctly. I use it now in a production for 3 shows a night, 7 nights a week and it's basically flawless.


Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:04 pm
Real Name: Mayk Peter

it still doesn't work for me the auto-start. If I run it by SSH, it will work:

sudo /usr/bin/qlcplus -platform vnc --web --operate --overscan --fullscreen resize --nowm --open /root/.qlcplus/autostart.qxw

How can I narrow down my problem? As Linux-Newbie I don't even know for sure, how to see
if qlc+ is not starting by itself, or whether it's running, but doesn't start my autostart.qxw
For which process should I look (and how)?

Another issue: how can you tell your autostart.qxw to cycle over and over again
in an infinite loop?

Best regards
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2017 5:04 pm
Real Name: Mayk Peter

just if somebody else is interested:

Use "cron" to re-run your QLC+ regularly!
Details can be found here
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... ge/cron.md
Troubleshooting here
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/view ... b&start=25
Logfile setup here
https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/view ... p?t=186833#

That did help me!
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