How do I...?

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Posts: 26
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:20 am
Real Name: Jeffrey Talbot

So I'm new to lighting control and am working on some basic designs for my holiday lights. Everything is working and honestly, I can't believe how easy some of the stuff is to program, and yet, so frustrating some things are.

I'm not here to complain about why software design decisions were made, I'm sure there are many many good reasons for doing things the way the software is designed to do them. Right now, the issue I'm having is with RGB Matrixes. They are super easy to create and the variety seems endless. I'm trying to put them into a 'show" and while I can import them, they don't play back.

So I'm guessing I need to create a "Sequence" of the Matrix, which is easily done, and that can be imported into a "Show". But the sequence only runs once, and I have to duplicate it to have it run more than once.

So is this the best way to make a RGB Matrix run several times in a show ? or is there a better way ?
Posts: 26
Joined: Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:20 am
Real Name: Jeffrey Talbot

OK so got this one figured out.

Putting a RGBMatrix into a Chaser is how to do this. You can tell the Chaser how long to run, and then put the chaser into a show. In the end, stupid easy.

I do like this software!
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