I searched in the forum and tried some solution but nothing has fixed my problem yet.
So basically what i want to do is a smooth fade-in/out effect with my RGB LED lights (like i've already managed to do with Freesyler) but anytime i try to do any kind of fade effect with my lights it changes intensity in steps rather than smoothly, even when i fading it manually slowly.
i've already tried this solution:
But nothing changed!start qlcplus
add fixture (I tried both Generic Dimmer and Generic RGB)
go to channel fade properties
expand the device entry and click the modifier button for whatever intensity channel
channel modifier editor dialog opens, change curve to another template, e.g. strong logarithmic
click OK
click OK in channel fade properties (which has a different window title from that at the icon tooltip, btw)
re-open channel fade properties dialog
Please, help me!
Thanks to all