Crash when using faders in chaser

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:11 pm
Real Name: Daniyal Tahir


I am testing using version 20190217, using the image sent to me after making the donation. My use case is to have chasers running 24/7, with only RGB LEDs and no other fixtures.

When using a chaser that loops through multiple scenes, I find that the loop runs fine as long as there is no fade-in/fade-out between scenes. However, when using fade-in and/or fade-out functionality, I notice that the qlcplus binary crashes on the RPi after a few hours of operation. I also noticed that the %CPU used by qlcplus increases over time, until it eventually crashes. The CPU% is stable when there are no faders and the program does not crash. Perhaps this is unrelated and normal for faders? I see %CPU go up to 300% at times.

I ran the qlcplus binary with gdb to troubleshoot further. Attached below is the output from the crash after a few hours of running a chaser with faders.

(2.28 KiB) Downloaded 45 times

I hope you can provide some help to resolve this issue. Please let me know if I can provide any clarification and/or more information regarding the issue. Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks in advance!
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Can you please provide your project file so that I can do some tests with it?
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:11 pm
Real Name: Daniyal Tahir

For sure, it is attached below. Of the two chasers in the project, the one named "Rainbow" works fine, but the one called "Rainbow Fade" crashes after a while (and increases %CPU steadily).
(364.45 KiB) Downloaded 38 times
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Thanks for the project but wait! Latest image is 20190825.
You should have received an email with the download links.
Please check cause that might solve your situation. I am testing your project with the latest QLC+ and I don't see leaks or increase in resource usage.
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Real Name: Daniyal Tahir

Ah, I started working on this project before the latest image was released! I will try it out on the newest version and let you know! Thanks!
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:11 pm
Real Name: Daniyal Tahir

Hey mcallegari,

I tested with the latest version and am no longer having this issue. Thanks a lot!
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