[closed] Changing the colour of 1 fixture in a sequence is reversed

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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Posts: 139
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 7:55 pm
Real Name: Gerard van Hamburg


I have worked with this file for a few months and added two more Geyser P7 fixtures the day before yesterday. Doing that was easy but it gives a few issue and this is one of them.

Please open my showfile and select ‘ 56 - Chauvet - Chorus Sequence’ from the folder ’56 - The Pretender’. Step 1 is fine and works fine. Step 2 has the same lights set but without channel 1, the fog. No try to change from step 2, Geyser P7 #3 channel 2 to 0 and channel 4 to 255. (so red is off and blue is on)

Now select step 1 and go back to step 2. As you will see blue is still on but red is back on too! The same is going on when changing Geyser P7 #4 but not with Geyser P7 #1 and #2!
Can there be something wrong with Geyser P7 #3 and #4?

I use qlc 4.12.2 and tried 4.12.1 too on MacOS 10.14.6

Hope this makes sense and any help is appreciated.

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Last edited by Mibmusic on Mon Sep 02, 2019 5:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 139
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2018 7:55 pm
Real Name: Gerard van Hamburg

Ok, So I went back to a backup showfile before I added this new 2 Geyer P7 fogmachines and added them again, but now starting at address 121. When I do that, I have no issue at all. I will investigate more but it looks a bit if this issue and my other issue are related to the fact that the Ayra’s had 18 channels when I created them but where changed back to 15 and somehow QLC+ did nod free some channels. I will mark this one as closed (and I will try to get it on Github) to not confuse you all.
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