Hey there,
yesterday i had my event, that i have every 6 monts.
In this i Event is a sequence that i use multiple time at the evening.
This sequence controls 6 Moving heads in the room. In the last years i never had a problem with this sequence. In the preparation phase i tested the sequence and it worked fine. Then i want to test it again (without changing anything) and it was total broken: moving heads flicker and moving to positions never defined in the sequence steps. The sequence steps seems ok, but when i play it, QLC+ make things that not defined in the sequence-steps!
I saved my workspace (under a new name "6.qxw") and restart computer. I thought there are any problems with my USB/DMX Device (Enttec Pro). After restart i load the workspace and test it again, same issue - total broken shit!
I used QLC+ Ver.!
OK i thought i use another laptop with QLC +, because i used it last time (before 6 months) and all works fine. I loaded workspace, but sequence was broken too. Then i loaded a older workspace and it runs fine.
At LIVE i used the sequence in a cue-list in live mode. First run - All fine - Second run: Broken again (without changing - i was live and never changed everything).
Now at home i compared the differences between an old workspace and the workspace where it gets broken (open Workspace in Text-Editor and reading xml-code). The sequence steps are the same in all 2 workspaces - found no difference. Same Steps, Same boundet Scenes, same channels all correct.
Later i found a difference - the new version of workspace (6.qxw) use another attribute in the hidden-scene bound on this sequence: BlendMode="Additive". All other (minutes older) versions of my workspace doesnt have this attribute on the hidden scene.
So my questions:
1. What means BlendMode="Additive"
2. Why QLC added it itself after playing this sequence 1 time without changing any data (even in live mode)
3. How can i prevent QLC+ adding this?
i use hundret hidden scenes in this workspace - NO ONE use this attribute, only the hidden scene bounded to the sequence thats broken now.
Can somebody helps?
P.S.: Used windows 7 on both laptops where i tested it
Sequence broken (BlendMode="Additive")
- GGGss
- Posts: 3200
- Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:15 pm
- Location: Belgium
- Real Name: Fredje Gallon
Between versions there was a change how sequences were handled.
Old project file versions should be converted - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11062&p=47687
I did not check you QLC+ version versus the changed behavior...
Old project file versions should be converted - viewtopic.php?f=17&t=11062&p=47687
I did not check you QLC+ version versus the changed behavior...
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore
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The original Save was created with 4.11.1 before 6 months - In this original File where NO BlendMode="Additive" in the XML Code.
Before 2 Days i used and after i played the CueList in LIVE Mode 1 Time, QLC added BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene Bound to this Sequence!
Steps 2 Reproduzce:
1. Add a Sequence to a Cue-List in Virutal Console
2. Go Live and Play the Cue-List 1 Times
3. Stop Live Mode and Save the Workspace
This Steps didnt work everytime to reproduce!
QLC (Version - which is one of the newest) then adds BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene bounded to the Sequence that you played in the cue-list! I changed no values, i only played it in a cue-list in live mode! After that the whole sequence was broken!
This isnt a "old project file" that i used. I started to work with QLC long times after changing the save files! My first QLC Version was 4.11.1!
But what means BlendMode="Additive" and how can i prevent that QLC (in this case 4.12.39) adds this to the hidden scene without my doing?
Before 2 Days i used and after i played the CueList in LIVE Mode 1 Time, QLC added BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene Bound to this Sequence!
Steps 2 Reproduzce:
1. Add a Sequence to a Cue-List in Virutal Console
2. Go Live and Play the Cue-List 1 Times
3. Stop Live Mode and Save the Workspace
This Steps didnt work everytime to reproduce!
QLC (Version - which is one of the newest) then adds BlendMode="Additive" to the Hidden Scene bounded to the Sequence that you played in the cue-list! I changed no values, i only played it in a cue-list in live mode! After that the whole sequence was broken!
This isnt a "old project file" that i used. I started to work with QLC long times after changing the save files! My first QLC Version was 4.11.1!
But what means BlendMode="Additive" and how can i prevent that QLC (in this case 4.12.39) adds this to the hidden scene without my doing?
- Posts: 107
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I found out, that the additive Blendmode used in RGB Matrix. But i have a Sequence (created in sequence editor - i never used RGB matrix), used in a Cue List Control. When i go live, play the Cue List, all works fine. When i play it a second time, its broken. When i save the workspace, that QLC added "Blendmode=Additive" to the scene bound on the sequence...
Here a demonstration from a squence, once played in cue list and save:
Now i read about the "improvement" of cuelists in viewtopic.php?f=17&t=12887
Here a demonstration from a squence, once played in cue list and save:
Code: Select all
<Function ID="2" Type="Scene" Name="New Scene" Hidden="True" BlendMode="Additive">
<Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
<FixtureVal ID="7">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,8,0,9,0,10,0,11,0,12,0,13,0,14,0,15,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="6">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0,8,0,9,0,10,0,11,0,12,0,13,0,14,0,15,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="2">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="3">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="4">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
<FixtureVal ID="5">0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,0</FixtureVal>
<Function ID="3" Type="Sequence" Name="Lichtlauf Links" Path="Lichtlaeufe" BoundScene="2">
<Speed FadeIn="0" FadeOut="0" Duration="0"/>
<SpeedModes FadeIn="PerStep" FadeOut="PerStep" Duration="PerStep"/>
<Step Number="0" FadeIn="0" Hold="100" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,15,1,237,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="1" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,15,1,237,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="2" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,127,1,80,2,255,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,11,1,239,2,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="3" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,126,1,86,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,2,255,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="4" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,125,1,92,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,2,255,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="5" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,123,1,102,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:4:0,6,1,240,6,255,7,194:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="6" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,119,1,116,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="7" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,110,1,124,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="8" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,76,1,126,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="9" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,55,1,122,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="10" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,46,1,114,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="11" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,42,1,103,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="12" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,41,1,93,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35</Step>
<Step Number="13" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,39,1,86,2,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,81,2,35,8,255</Step>
<Step Number="14" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,2,255,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,79,2,36,8,255,9,255</Step>
<Step Number="15" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61:7:0,73,2,51,8,255,9,255</Step>
<Step Number="16" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,61,8,255:7:0,72,2,64,8,255,9,255</Step>
<Step Number="17" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,73,2,53,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72,8,255,9,255</Step>
<Step Number="18" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,75,2,36,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72,8,255</Step>
<Step Number="19" FadeIn="2000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,36,1,76,2,255,6,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,22,7,167:6:0,77,2,30,8,255,9,255:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="20" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,38,1,79,2,255,6,127,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27,8,255,9,127:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="21" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,39,1,82,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,80,2,24,8,255:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="22" FadeIn="4000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,42,1,91,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="23" FadeIn="3000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,46,1,103,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="24" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,53,1,114,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="25" FadeIn="2500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,78,1,122,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="26" FadeIn="1000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,110,1,122,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="27" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,114,1,116,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="28" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,122,1,110,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="29" FadeIn="1500" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,124,1,99,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="30" FadeIn="5000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,84,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="31" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,84,2,255,7,175:5:0,3,1,233,2,255,6,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="32" FadeIn="6000" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,72,2,255,6,255,7,175:5:0,14,1,231,2,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
<Step Number="33" FadeIn="0" Hold="0" FadeOut="0" Values="64">2:0,38,1,84,6,255:3:0,126,1,72,7,175:5:0,14,1,231,2,255,7,167:6:0,79,2,27:7:0,72,2,72</Step>
Can this be the Problem? What means "blended mode always active"?It would simplify my life if there could be one single fader and no options at all. The proposal is:
- one single fader with the blue / orange indication on top and bottom of the fader. This would indicate from which to which step you will crossfade.
- linked option always active. No more "unbalanced" crossfades
- blended mode always active
- GGGss
- Posts: 3200
- Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2016 7:15 pm
- Location: Belgium
- Real Name: Fredje Gallon
I remember that Massimo released a test version (newer than the official of course) to overcome this problem... Try that one or revert to the old version you created your project with.
All electric machines work on smoke... when the smoke escapes... they don't work anymore