I've been trying to sort this today with no luck - I'm a total noob to this but I've tried reading and tinkering so I've had to post.
I'm trying to copy an input profile I've created for the Behringer FCB1010 (on my PC) and I want to copy this file to my new RPI 3B+.
I've got putty installed and I'm logged in to that.
I've been using:
Code: Select all
pi@rpi: ~ $ scp Behringer-FCB1010.qxi pi@ : /root/.qlcplus/inputprofiles
I've then tried
Code: Select all
Sudo su
I then try running:
Code: Select all
root@rpi:/home/pi# scp Behringer-FCB1010.qxi pi@ : /root/.qlcplus/inputprofile
Has anyone got a solution?
I've got everything else working but really need that inputprofile that took ages to put together.
Many thanks in advance!