Copying Input Profiles to Raspberry Pi

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:50 pm
Real Name: Josh Lane

Hi all,

I've been trying to sort this today with no luck - I'm a total noob to this but I've tried reading and tinkering so I've had to post.

I'm trying to copy an input profile I've created for the Behringer FCB1010 (on my PC) and I want to copy this file to my new RPI 3B+.

I've got putty installed and I'm logged in to that.

I've been using:

Code: Select all

pi@rpi: ~ $ scp Behringer-FCB1010.qxi pi@ : /root/.qlcplus/inputprofiles
I'm getting permission denied.

I've then tried

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Sudo su
to get to the root.

I then try running:

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root@rpi:/home/pi# scp Behringer-FCB1010.qxi pi@ : /root/.qlcplus/inputprofile
again and i get back 'No such ;file or directory.

Has anyone got a solution?

I've got everything else working but really need that inputprofile that took ages to put together.

Many thanks in advance!

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Joined: Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:09 am
Location: Italy
Real Name: Massimo Callegari

I think it's easier if you copy the files on a USB pendrive, plug it on the Pi, mount it and do

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sudo cp /media/usb/abcd.qxi /root/.qlcplus/inputprofiles
The reason why scp doesn't work for you is that you're using the user 'pi' to copy a file in a 'root' folder. That cannot work. You should scp the file in /home/pi first and then "sudo cp" it to the root folder via ssh.
Posts: 15
Joined: Fri Apr 01, 2016 2:50 pm
Real Name: Josh Lane

That has worked perfectly, thank you. As soon as I get some money from my next gig there will be another donation.

For any other newbies out there - mounting a USB for the first time takes a few steps. ... pberry-pi/ link [/url]

In the above tutorial it talks about permissions to Read and Write as a Pi user (and not as a superuser).

I mounted the drive using:

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sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usb
leaving off the

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-o uid=pi,gid=pi
section because the suggested code from Massimo uses sudo at the beginning.


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sudo reboot
Once QLC+ had loaded again, the input profile was loaded and selected. I then remembered to go back to webaccess to update the autostart file so it would configure my universes (1 for DMX output; 2 for Midi Input using the profile Behringer-FCB1010)

Thank again for your help and I hope that my 'journey' of taking your advice into fruition helps someone else!
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