No UI for properties of type "integer" from RGB Scripts

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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It's probably a missing feature but I thought I'd report this anyway.
I'm writing a rgbscript in js to load for my rgb matrix (extremely convenient feature btw, I was pleased to find that). But when adding properties of type "integer" they don't appear in QLC so I can not exchange value with the script on those variables.

Looking at the code it seems that in `rgbmatrixeditor.cpp` in `RGBMatrixEditor::displayProperties()`, there doesn't seem to be a case for handling the properties of type `RGBScriptProperties::Integer`. In fact, searching for `RGBScriptProperties::Integer` through the entire code base only hits in the js parser which correctly seem to read the properties from the script file.

Is there plan to bring this UI ? It looks fairly simple actually, I guess I could even have a go at it if I knew more about the expectations for this type of properties (I guess it's an integer that can go from -32k to +32k or so) ?

Thanks :)
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You can use integer ranges. Does that work for you?
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Sure ranges work for me for now but they are based on arbitrary boundaries that don’t really make sense in my case. However I can just set a very high number as a max.

I was just puzzled by the existence of the integer type in the documentation and on the script side but not yet in the UI and thought it might just have been forgotten
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I have the same issue, but I would really like to use a string property. It appears that only list and range properties work.

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