DMX Input to Specific Button Toggle

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Joined: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:17 pm
Real Name: Justin Browning


I currently have existing lighting software (Obsidian Onyx, formally Martin M-PC) but am unable to utilize more than universes due to the licensing (budget). I can get the existing software to send ArtNet commands to QLC+ and I can see that they are being received, but I am unsure on how to assign a function to a specific DMX value. I have created a DMX input profile with one channel and have set it as a slider with absolute values.

The end goal is to have multiple scenes setup on a new wall of LED strips that would be triggered when QLC+ receives a specific channel value (ex. Channel 1 - level 147).

EDIT: To clarify, I want to select a specific scene based on DMX input at QLC+

I have tried using custom feedback attached to buttons, but that does not seem to work.

Thanks for any help!

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To clarify
You cannot use 1 channel with multiple values (yet) and trigger things based on a specific value on 1 DMX address... (although while typing this I can imagine a way to achieve but will be time consuming and very complex) - ergo: you cannot filter values yet.
You can use multiple channels to trigger things.

My suggested strategy:
* The added led wall should be driven by QLC+ exclusively
So everything you want to see happening, should be a process running in QLC+ - so prepare everything there.
You have tad tools at your disposal to achieve this: chasers, cue lists, RGB matrici, masking EFX, the lot... even a whole show composed of all present...
I would handle the led wall as a separate (isolated) process?

* all components inside this process will have to be driven by external signals coming from your other desk
Here we will use the Artnet triggers.
1 Artnet universe can handle 512 scenes, running cue lists, directly selected EFX, masks, ... extremely useful functions - up to the complexity you can debug afterwards (!)
Or you use the flash function (as long as an Artnet signal is present - it will run)
Or you use the latch function (use a pulse to start; next pulse will cancel again)

The VC environment will be your friend to trigger things through external signals. (buttons, pages, frames, ... don't make it too complex at first)
with every bound function on your VC you can add a mood to your existing show elements.

Start small - grow and IMHO you possible will end proggin' everything inside QLC+ ;-)

Rereading your post (and your lack of free universes budget wise) see it as a multiplexer. 1 DMX channel is a trigger to fire tad universes in QLC+
1 scene will need a button on VC with an input connected. (yes - a lot of work)
1 complete show will need a button to fire it.

create a button on VC
attach a scene to that button - try it
attach a input trigger to that button - now you can trigger that button externally
and there you go ;-)
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