How do I export a project from RPi to PC?

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Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:44 am
Real Name: Richard

Long story short, I've had to make several changes to the project loaded on my RPi.

How do I export that project back to my pc for backup / further development?

If it's using SSH can someone tell me the path to the file.


(Any chance of an export option being added to the web interface?)
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Well, it depends on where you saved the file in the RPi.
If you set it to be loaded at boot, then it's

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There are several ways to pull a file out of the RPi.
Easiest one I'd say is to copy the file to a USB pendrive.
Another easy one (but filthy one!) is to copy the file to the /boot folder, which is a FAT partition that can be open with a Windows machine via SD card reader.
Posts: 86
Joined: Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:44 am
Real Name: Richard

Yes, it was copied via the web interface to be loaded at boot.

Thanks 👍
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