Forum feature request

This is a place for sharing with the community the results you achieved with QLC+, as a sort of use case collection.
You can share photos, videos, personal hardware/software projects, interesting HOWTO that might help other users to achieve great results.
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Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Oct 17, 2018 1:47 am
Real Name: Scott Yarbrough

Not directly QLC+ related (software wise) but related to the forum.

Is there any chance the forum can eventually get the Tapatalk plug in? It's a free plug in.

Not sure how many others do, but I usually (75-80% of the time) access this forum either from my phone or my tablet, and it would be great if it worked thru the Tapatalk app..

Sorry if there is a better place to put this question, but I couldn't think of one.

Scott Yarbrough
Hanford, CA
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