Help with Tap Tempo for a Chaser

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Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:58 pm
Real Name: Chad Lamson

I have a chaser setup with only 2 functions in it. I am using this chaser to simulate a "blinder effect" where the lights will start at 100%, and then immediately fade down to 0. I want to set the tempo of this with the speed dial in the virtual console.

In order for this to work, I have the first step's duration set to a small number (100ms). The fade out time is set to 1s. The second step in the chase is a blackout where the duration matches the fade out time of the first step (1s).

I want the speed dial to control the first's steps fade out time, and the seconds steps duration, without changing anything else. Is this possible?
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