Sequence and scene

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Hello everyone, I have a question about a small problem that I have with qlc.

Under windows in my virtual console, I create a sequencer with a chaser that takes scenes with displacement of the change of colors that I created for my lyre adj.

I also have in this virtual console a button that reminds a scene where the same lyre is fixed with a position and a defined color.

I start the sequence of my lyres and when I press the button that must make the fixed position, the lyre responds correctly but when the timming of the sequencer is finished that if takes the next step of the sequence and necreste more fixed with the color that I want.

Has someone already had this problem. i also qlc on mac and i do not meet this problem. Thank you for your answers
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Moved to generic questions.
Please do not post the same question multiple times on different areas.
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andres robles
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I think that and understood the question ..... the steps of a chase are added in each step and everything ends in full ...

You can solve it in several ways:
1: that all the scenes of that chase contain all the values of dmx in use and not use, in this way the incoming scene will restore all the dmx channels

2: interpose a scene desalinating all the unwanted channels between two steps of scenes, this will prevent you from making fades between scenes, there will always be a blackout between scenes.

3: Modify the problematic fixture channels between HTP / LTP and find the expected behavior ...

I can not think of another solution (Sure, there is)
I hope it helps
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