using Rpi3B+ to create wifi (no internet) for OSC, while still use ethernet for Artnet communication

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2018 6:57 pm
Real Name: coleman

Hello! This is my first post, and I've been messing with the Raspberry Pi and QLC+ for a couple weeks now...
I've been experimenting with using TouchOSC to control QLC over wifi, without the need to connect to a router or any internet - that is, I want the Rpi to be mobile and act as a hot spot wherever I bring it.

I also wanted to be able to communicate with Artnet via ethernet output. I struggled to figure out how to configure the Rpi as a hotspot without messing with ethernet communication. Every time I got the Wifi access point configured and running, it disabled my ethernet connectivity in QLC, or changed the settings enough that I couldn't connect with my DMXking LeDMX4 Pro LED strip driver.

here is a short tutorial I've written to get Wifi access point setup on a clean install of QLC. I'm using qlcplus_raspbian_stretch_20181110

first flash clean QLC image to SD card

step one - updating the software

connect via Ethernet to local network with internet

boot up, shutdown QLC

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sudo apt-get update

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get upgrade
say Yes

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sudo reboot
step two, fixing wpa_supplicant wifi country code error

under QLC input/output, check the pi’s wired ethernet IP address

from computer, ssh into the pi
login with user/pass using pi/raspberry
type in

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant-wlan0.conf
hit enter

in what is probably a blank document, paste:

Code: Select all

control X to quit, Y to save, enter to get back to command line

Code: Select all

sudo shutdown -h now

unplug ethernet

boot up the pi:
quit QLC
login with user/pass using pi/raspberry

Code: Select all

sudo raspi-config
change default password to something new

quit out with Finish

type in

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
hit enter

in document, directly under ctrl_interface add

Code: Select all

populate the fields with your home network info

Code: Select all

ssid=”home wifi name”
psk=”home wifi password”
control X to quit, Y to save, enter to get back to command line

Code: Select all

sudo reboot

under QLC input/output, check the pi’s new wifi-based IP address

ssh in over wifi

decide what you want your QLC box’s wifi to be called, and an 8-character password for it. replace that in WIFIPASS and WIFINAME in this script:

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curl -sSL | sudo bash $0 WIFIPASS WIFINAME

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sudo wget -q -O /usr/lib/dhcpcd5/dhcpcd

Code: Select all

sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/dhcpcd5/dhcpcd

Code: Select all

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Code: Select all

iface eth0 inet manual
and add a # before iface to disable the line

right below, paste in

Code: Select all

auto eth0
    allow-hotplug eth0
    iface eth0 inet dhcp
control X to quit, Y to save, enter to get back to command line

Code: Select all

sudo reboot

the pi should take a long time to boot up, it get's caught for about a minute "A start job is running for raise network interfaces"
I couldn't figure out what settings to tweak to fix this little hang up, but at the end of the process it works! my Ethernet acts with DHCP and communicates fine over Artnet (under input/output)
and my wifi works to connect with TouchOSC and successfully receives OSC signal.
I can connect with my laptop to QLC+ web interface if i still want to upload fixtures and load configurations or projects, and save the auto-start project as well.

I don't know how I would go about disabling it to run apt-get upgrade again, but for now, the box acts as a standalone hot spot that can still send signals out via ethernet.

I hope this helps someone!!!!
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