QLC+ and BCF2000 "stuck" MIDI communication

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Posts: 636
Joined: Thu May 07, 2015 10:34 am
Real Name: Edgar Aichinger


I'm not sure if this is a RPi specific problem or generally can happen in QLC 4.12,so please excuse me if this is in the wrong subforum...

BTW, I'm using my self built QLC+ 4.12.0 armhf deb package in Raspbian, not Massimos deb or QLC+ image.

I have seen random loss of communication between QLC+ and the BCF2k. In VC run mode, everything works great for some time, but eventually the widgets in my VC stop to respond to the BCF, and the joystick icon doesn't show anymore for this universe on I/O tab no matter which BCF element I use. But it still is in the device list and shows as connected, profile is active and feedback enabled too.

I have to choose some other input port, like ALSA's MIDI through port or whatever, and switch to that and back to the BCF, for both the input and feedback checkboxes. After that all works normal again, but after some undefined random time between a half and several hours the same condition can reoccur. I've tried to run the BCF into a dedicated USB port of the RPI, or connect it to the same USB hub that collects my three Nanokontrol2s to one USB cable, with or without extra power supply for the hub, and all that doesn't appear to make a difference. It is always the BCF that "disconnects" while staying visually connected, the NanoKontrols all continue to work.
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