USB foot controller: which one?

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I need a foot controller with 4 or more buttons, to be connected via USB and used to activate scenes on QLC+.

Can anyone suggest me any (cheap) model?
Last edited by ciacnorris on Fri Nov 16, 2018 3:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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It's on Amazon @ $150
Otherwise just Google "MIDI foot controller" and pick one
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I need a USB one (sorry, I wrote that in the title and did not specify it in the message).
That one has only a 5-pin MIDI connector. It looks like USB ones are only above 200€. Maybe somebody knows about a cheaper one... :D
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A MIDI to USB adapter costs around $10

BTW moved to community area. This has nothing to do with QLC+ usage per se
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I can recommend the Roland um one MK2 as a midi to usb cable. Certainly not the cheapest, but works very well, and has a switch to toggle between using with a pc/laptop or with a phone/tablet.

I use this with a foot controller with 5 pin midi out
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