EFX movements

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Posts: 19
Joined: Thu May 03, 2018 4:08 am
Real Name: Dorian

So i recently just picked up my first 2 moving heads and want to create some movements for them. How do I create my own pre-set movements for them other than the already created movements (such as the leaf or circle). Thank you for the help and sorry if this is a poor question.
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Several possibilities, these two come to my mind immediately:

1) a cuelist with a chaser consisting of different position scenes and fade times, in step mode, looping

2) make an EFX function using one of the nine moving figures it provides, assign your fixture, assign that function to an XY pad in VC and a button will show below the XY field to switch it on/off, you also can assign static positions, scenes etc.

I'm normally using moving lights in a more directly controlled way in theater, but I've used that second method about a year ago to create a sweeping light tower effect in the roof of a clock tower here in Vienna, and it worked great.

I'm not sure what leaf and circle you are referring to, btw...
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Don't forget you can use an EFX on top of an EFX (both in relative mode)...
So a slow sweep with an added (faster) circle motion is possible.
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I like to use a collection for quick movements like this.

1) Create your EFX movement ( but you notice it just moves? )
2) Create a scene that only has the light and color channels, no pan or tilt enabled

Take 1 and 2 and add them to a collection.

Approach 2:
1) Make 1 scene with all lights pointing up( using color, dimmer, pan/tilt ), call this UP
2) Make 1 scene with all lights pointing down( using color dimmer pan/tilt ) call this down
3) Add them to a chase, adding some time between the two so it will fade.

Approach 3:
Watch these awesome tutorials by Massimo C!

After spending a bit of time with the tutorials, I fumbled through a few scenes and looks to get a good feel of how everything works together. After that, you are only limited to your imagination. Try the show mode as well if you want to put it to music.

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