Rework log: multithreaded engine - PLEASE HELP TESTING

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QLC+ 4.12.0 GIT QLC+_4.12.0.129.exe
Windows 10 Pro

+ Make New Show
+ Add one Generic RGB
+ Set Red, Green and Blue channel to LTP
+ Add 3 Scene:
1. BLACK: red = 0, green = 0, blue= 0
2. RED: red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0
3. BLUE: red = 0, green = 0, blue = 255
+ In VC add one Normal Frame (Not Single)
+ In Frame add 3 buttons (Black, Red, Blue) connected to a relative scene
+ Now go in Live Mode
+++ Click BLACK: (NOT NORMAL) the button does not remain active (behaves as if it were set in Flash Mode)
+ Click RED: OK
+++ Click BLUE: (leaving RED clicked) (NOT NORMAL) the red channel remain to 255 and not go to 0
+++ Click BLACK: Not Work
Test LTP 4.12.qxw
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Hi Lorenzo, please try .133.
I also forgot to tell you that this is working now:
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lorenzoandreani wrote: Sun Oct 21, 2018 2:09 pm QLC+ 4.12.0 GIT QLC+_4.12.0.129.exe
Windows 10 Pro

+ Make New Show
+ Add one Generic RGB
+ Set Red, Green and Blue channel to LTP
+ Add 3 Scene:
1. BLACK: red = 0, green = 0, blue= 0
2. RED: red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0
3. BLUE: red = 0, green = 0, blue = 255
+ In VC add one Normal Frame (Not Single)
+ In Frame add 3 buttons (Black, Red, Blue) connected to a relative scene
+ Now go in Live Mode
+++ Click BLACK: (NOT NORMAL) the button does not remain active (behaves as if it were set in Flash Mode)
+ Click RED: OK
+++ Click BLUE: (leaving RED clicked) (NOT NORMAL) the red channel remain to 255 and not go to 0
+++ Click BLACK: Not Work
Windows 10 Pro

OK, perfect, in QLC+_4.12.0.133.exe as indicated above is ok

I have carried out a more accurate test:
++ The Master Slider do not work
+ In my Test LTP 4.12.qxw show add
1. scene named ICE: red = 255, green = 255, blue= 255
2. sequence named Red Blue: with 2 step (one Red color and one Blue color)
+ In VC add one button set in Flash Mode connected to ICE scene and one button connected to Red Blue sequence
+ In VC add a slider in sub master mode
+ Now go in live mode and test
+++ (NOT NORMAL) The Sub Slider non control the intesity for the flash ICE button. This could be very useful, could be put in the button settings (exclude from SubMaster)
+ Click tre Red button (ok the rgb goes to red color)
+ Set the Sub slider to 130 for example
+++ Click Red Blue button: OK the Red sequence is overwritten by the new value, BUT the value of Sub slider are not applied to (until the Sub slider are moved)
+++ Now at this point we have the Red Scene and the LPT Reb Blue sequence active, but if i active for example the Black scene it HAS NO EFFECT and the priority remains in the sequence. The sequence should be overwritten by an LPT value that is activated later, while a Chase (recalling individual scenes) may retain the LPT priority of the moment the scene is recalled by the chase step
Test LTP 4.12.qxw
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Lorenzo, what did we say about issues that were there on 4.11.2 too ? (like 4 posts ago)
This thread is mainly to verify that there are no regressions in 4.12.0 compared to 4.11.2.
Grand Master wasn't working on forced LTP channels in 4.11.2 too, and to be honest I still don't understand why you need to force intensity channels to LTP.
That's not the way to go and sooner or later you will run into troubles with fades happening simultaneously.
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mcallegari wrote: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:39 am Lorenzo, what did we say about issues that were there on 4.11.2 too ? (like 4 posts ago)
This thread is mainly to verify that there are no regressions in 4.12.0 compared to 4.11.2.
Ok, I did not understand, sorry
mcallegari wrote: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:39 am Grand Master wasn't working on forced LTP channels in 4.11.2 too
Ok (why not? is it too expensive in terms of programming?)
mcallegari wrote: Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:39 am and to be honest I still don't understand why you need to force intensity channels to LTP.
That's not the way to go and sooner or later you will run into troubles with fades happening simultaneously.
It is a show for a nightclub where color changes and sudden dimmers are needed. Each dimmer and color scene must overwrite the scenes previously started.
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A few more fixes to flashing and startup intensity can be found in latest builds (.134 for windows)
Flashing has never worked properly with submaster. Now it should.

Grand master on forced LTP channels never worked cause it acts on intensity HTP channels only. You can switch to "all channels" to act on LTP too.
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Hey guys, can someone please test the latest macOS test version ?
I switched from macports to homebrew and I need to make sure the bundle doesn't work only on my computer :)
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mcallegari wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:52 am A few more fixes to flashing and startup intensity can be found in latest builds (.134 for windows)
Flashing has never worked properly with submaster. Now it should.
I think now it's perfect,

except for one thing:
no scene has priority over a sequence (if I have a sequenze change of colors and activate a scene, for example r 255, g 255, b 255, or r 0, g 0 b 0, this is not applied);
instead for chases it's ok like that (in my opinion, every scene has priority when it is recalled by the chase cue)
mcallegari wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:52 am Grand master on forced LTP channels never worked cause it acts on intensity HTP channels only. You can switch to "all channels" to act on LTP too.
Ok, i have seen
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mcallegari wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:17 pm Hey guys, can someone please test the latest macOS test version ?
I switched from macports to homebrew and I need to make sure the bundle doesn't work only on my computer :)
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G65)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)

In my Mac QLC+_4.12.0-TEST-20181023.dmg opens up the Fixture Editor / QLC selection window but closes (and nothing else happens) at the click of one or the other key
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Using QLC+_4.12.0-TEST-20181023.dmg on Mojave (10.14)

QLC+ opens to the point of selecting
open screen.png
And if either option is chosen QLC+ quits automatically.
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I'm not sure if this is coming from the multithreaded engine merge, but I think there is a regression in 4.12-GIT, I've seen it in your OBS package and my local build:

I wanted to look at the workspace in viewtopic.php?f=18&p=53893&sid=d2599a5a ... f47#p53893, but at least the "higher level" submaster that controls the whole frame's output in both Scene maker frames doesn't work as expected, it seems to be ignored completely...

To make sure, I installed 4.11.2 from multimedia:apps (the only TW build I could find in my repos) and there it does work.

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Should be fixed now. Thanks for reporting.
It was definitely part of the rework.

P.S. OBS tumbleweed builds are broken again, cause for some reason they decided to remove libconfuse which is a dependency of libftdi...genious
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Seems that libconfuse got updated with soversion change, and somehow libftdi1 hasn't been rebuilt against that... investigating, I branched the libftdi1 devel package from hardware and it builds just fine in my home project...

I'll try to ping some maintainer and tell them to trigger a rebuild of libftdi1 for TW...
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Massimo, a working libftdi1-devel is about to appear in OBS, but to avoid such delays in the future, you should change your project meta config ... allegari79


Code: Select all

 <path project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="snapshot"/>

Code: Select all

 <path project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="standard"/>
The difference is to do with the new TW snapshot system, where updates get collected and delivered after being QA tested, in irregular intervals, a compromise between rolling release and stable distro... by using "standard", dependencies will become available as soon as they are published by the worker machines.
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I had not tested commit 5ae086d which should fix the submaster problem mentioned above, until yesterday. I'm sorry to tell, but it changes the submaster from not working at a higher hierarchy to not working at all anymore...

I have this small Renkforce Mini ML RGBW washlight without a dimmer channel and try to mimic one with a submaster fader, I attach my trivial test workspace.
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edogawa wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 8:24 am I had not tested commit 5ae086d which should fix the submaster problem mentioned above, until yesterday. I'm sorry to tell, but it changes the submaster from not working at a higher hierarchy to not working at all anymore...
What are you talking about ??
First, how am I supposed to reproduce what you see on a project using a custom fixture that you didn't share ?
Secondly, as far as I can see, it works as expected, so you are invited to provide DETAILS instead of just saying "it doesn't work at all".
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I'm talking about posting.php?mode=reply&f=17&t=12638#pr53908 just 3 or 4 posts above on this same page.

I'm sorry for the missing fixture, I thought I had posted it because I'm using it since quite some time - in fact I have submitted it to OFL a while ago when testing the new import via web feature there, but forgot to post it here at that point... I attach it now.

Anyway it doesn't matter which fixture, I tested this on two different machines, my new RPi system and ths laptop, and both show the same: moving the submaster slider doesn't change the colour output values in the DMX monitor.

In fact I did not physically connect the light, so there's a chance it's only in the GUI and physical output works... or there is something broken in my builds? I'll test with your OBS package in a minute, if that fixes it I apologize for all the noise.
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indeed I had an older git version installed on my machines, just the version that made me report the issue in the first place, somehow I managed to revert to the version from 26th October, although I'm sure I had a newer one already.

I feel embarrassed for not checking before... I'm very sorry and will try to be more careful from now on.
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lorenzoandreani wrote: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:47 pm
mcallegari wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:17 pm Hey guys, can someone please test the latest macOS test version ?
I switched from macports to homebrew and I need to make sure the bundle doesn't work only on my computer :)
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G65)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)

In my Mac QLC+_4.12.0-TEST-20181023.dmg opens up the Fixture Editor / QLC selection window but closes (and nothing else happens) at the click of one or the other key
Ok, now start
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lorenzoandreani wrote: Sun Nov 04, 2018 4:54 pm
lorenzoandreani wrote: Thu Oct 25, 2018 9:47 pm
mcallegari wrote: Tue Oct 23, 2018 6:17 pm Hey guys, can someone please test the latest macOS test version ?
I switched from macports to homebrew and I need to make sure the bundle doesn't work only on my computer :)
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6 (17G65)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Mid 2010)

In my Mac QLC+_4.12.0-TEST-20181023.dmg opens up the Fixture Editor / QLC selection window but closes (and nothing else happens) at the click of one or the other key
Ok, now start
Good! Thanks Lorenzo.
In the end I gave up with Homebrew and revert back to Macports.
Too many nametool issues on HB.
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