cue list external controls

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QLC+ alpha3 appimage,
I'm not able to assign any external control to a cue list,
here my file.
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Just checked and it works.
What have you tried so far ?

[EDIT] wait, there's something wrong actually. I need to check what happens with debug messages.
[EDIT2] oh crap. The external input handling is completely missing in the code :(

P.S. Off topic: can you please check viewtopic.php?f=33&t=12015 ? It's very important that I receive some feedback for that
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with QLC+alpha4-test I'm able to assign external controls to a cue lis,
although not the cue list faders, maybe because they're not implemented yet.?

sorry to rise this idea again, do we really need 2 faders?
wouldn't be better to keep things more neat for you and to have a reliable cue list?
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