QLC+ boot problem

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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I did a lot of programming on a working raspberry QLC+ installation.

Web access also worked for me.

I changed the "boot-project" and hit reboot. After that, the raspberry sticks at

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when booting. How can I get back to auto-start QLC+?

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Just remove the autostart project.
If I remember correctly, it's in the .qlcplus directory.

would be interesting to know why it hangs though
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I renamed the .qlcplus folder into qlcplus.

Now, QLC+ starts by itself after booting. But when I try to open the show, QLC+ crashes with the message "segmentation fault". Is there any way to repair the show?

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Telepathically, no.
If you share the project, maybe yes.
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Ok, I fixed it.

I opened the .qxw with nano and threw out block by block. After I removed a certain sequence, the project worked again :D .

Later, I found out, what might be the problem: the file is broken/empty if you edit the "autostart"-project, hit save an reboot. Since then, I'm working in a different project, safe it, copy it into the folder and rename it to "autostart.qxw". No more problems so far.

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i'm not sure, if this problem is realy similar, but I have also a problem to load a default set Project after rebooting.

when I applay my Project as default on qlc+ and reboot the raspberry pi, it failes to start the Web Interace and the Desktop.
But the output of

Code: Select all

sudo systemctl status qlcplus
says is running and no issues.
When I delete the autostart.qxw file in /root/.qlcplus/, it start as normal with a planc project.

I have this issue just for files with self created fictures.
Here are my Files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing

I use a raspberry Pi 4.

Thanks for help.
Last edited by Kimneyyy on Tue Oct 31, 2023 1:19 am, edited 3 times in total.
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I'd suggest connecting a monitor to your Raspi, hooking on a network cable, and starting from there debugging...
You have way too many parameters to deal with
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I too have had issues editing the autostart file on the pi. If changes are needed to the autostart file, I usually make changes this way:

Quit QLC+ and return to the command line.
Rename the autostart.qxw file in /root/.qlcplus to something else as a backup
I transfer my new .qxw file to /root/.qlcplus and rename it to autostart.qxw
I reboot the Pi to let QLC+ utilize this the new autostart.qxw file on the next boot

This allows you to keep the autostart configuration on the Pi
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