Fast Matrix-Animations

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:40 am
Real Name: Niklas

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to find a way how to speed up animations within the RGB-Matrix panel.
It seems like many effects (e.g. fill) are moving strictly from one pixel to another. This makes them really slow on rgb panels or led-strips since the effect can't "move" faster than about 30 pixels per second.
So the fastest wipe through a 5m 300 pixel strip takes approx. 10 seconds.

In order to solve that I tried create groups of 10 pixels with the intentien to then create a big group, which controlls all the subgroups and reduces the pixel count to 30 in that example.
Sadly, it seems to be impossible to add groups into other groups.

Is there anything else I can do to group multiple pixels into one fixture?

Thanks a lot! I really appreciate your help.
Posts: 152
Joined: Tue Apr 14, 2015 11:33 am
Real Name: Tim Cullingworth

How about forming a group with 30 x 10 and do a column fill. That would fill 10 at a time and as long as you have your pixels consecutively in a column it would work.
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