[Resolved: Bug with Workaround] Issue with DMX RGB LED panel (ws 2801 via SPI)

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Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:55 pm
Real Name: Alex Clark

Hello all,

A little advice please. I am running 4.11.0 (not moved to latest 4.1.11 as the changelog does not mention this issue) on a RPi 3. Using SPI to drive 12 lengths of 36 ws2801 RGB LED's via SPI. Therefore 432 RGB LED's spanning 3 universes (2,3 & 4) each set to SPI, Universe 1 is by DMX universe.

I setup an RGB panel 12 rows of 36 columns / also tried 36 rows by 12 columns and some other variations to double check my issue.

I have gaps appearing in my LED's that seem to align with the end of each universe... if I have 12 rows the gaps are huge chunks of strip, if I use 36 rows there are a few pixels missing. This causes all the effects to look crappy as they all become misaligned with the ends of the strips.

It appears that the SPI is transmitting data of the non-activated segments at the end of each universe. This is not how it is meant to work according to this: http://www.qlcplus.org/forum/viewtopic. ... 567#p37158

mcallegari said:
SPI accepts only contiguous data, so QLC+ provides it by merging the universes (if more than one needs to be transmitted)
So for example if you have 2 universes, and universe 1 has 30 empty DMX channels at the end, they won't be transmitted at all.
Anyone any ideas? Is there a bug? Have I set up something wrong? I can show some photos of the issue if it will help.

I even tried setting up a 432 rows and 1 column... pretty much all the LED's lit that way but it killed the poor PI :)
Last edited by frunk on Sat Mar 24, 2018 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 10
Joined: Fri Mar 17, 2017 12:55 pm
Real Name: Alex Clark

Seem to have fixed it... looks like it is a bug.

I moved the DMX universe from 1 to 4 and moved the SPI universes down to start at 1 and finish at 3. Things seem to sort themselves out. Now have the lights operating as expected, no black spots, everything aligned.

Something to add to the bug list
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