Bitwizard dmx board

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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Joined: Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:04 pm
Real Name: Simon Phillips

Hi all,

I've got a problem with configuring QLC to work with the bitwizard dmx board (which I saw was supported by QLC) for raspberry pi. When I plugged it into the pi and into a light that supports dmx, firstly I found I couldn't create any fixtures for some reason, and secondly the light was unresponsive when I tried to use the simple desk to play around with it.

When I messaged Bitwizard, they said that I needed to disable Getti and the gdio pin 18 needed to be high. Is this preconfigured on QLC? If not, how would I go about configuring it so that it boots as such?
Last edited by simps on Mon Jul 11, 2016 7:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Real Name: Simon Phillips

Update on the previous post....

Solved the problem of not being able to add fixtures in QLC+ which was simply a case of not being in design mode (toggle switch top left). So now I have my UART output correctly configured and my fixture assigned to the correct DMX channels however I am still not able to control the fixture (simple generic rgb). As with first post, can anyone confirm that QLC+ sets GPIO18 high and allocates the UART (serial port) which is required by the bitwizard DMX board.

tnx Simon
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Which Raspberry Pi ? 2 or 3 ?

The Bitwizard hat doesn't work out of the box with the RPi 3, cause of the bluetooth. A fix should have been found but I sitll have to test and eventually apply it
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Can you please check the proposed fix from here: ... spberry_pi

In particular, tweak the config.txt file with this:

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Hey everybody,
I have the same setup as Simps, I’ve checked all the documentation that I can find on the internet but the Bitwizard interface never worked with my Pi3.
Here is my setup :
1 x Raspberry Pi3 with QLC+ install on it.
1 x Bitwizard DMX interface for Raspberry pi with usb (FT245RL)
1 x DMX Dimmer pack (trigger an electric outlet if DMX is received on a specific channel)

Here is what I did so far :
1 - Install the last version of QLC+ for Raspberry Pi
2 - Start my Pi3 with the DMX board connect to my Pi
3 - edit the /boot/config.txt to disable the Bluetooth on the Pi3
4 - start raspi-config to disable the serial login shell and enable the serial hardware
5 - restart the Pi and start QLC+
6—Set my QLC+ project, output as UART ttyAMA0 on Universe 1
7 - Create Dimmer fixture on channels 1 to 10 for Universe 1, set everybody as 255.
8 - Nothing gets triggered :?

I’ve tested all other devices on my set up and everything is working correctly, I’ve changed my Pi for a Raspberry Pi model A and same result.
If I’m using another way to output DMX (USB DMX for example) it’s working perfectly but I have to add an extra USB to DMX Pro from Entecc.
Am I missing something in the loop ?
Here are some pictures of my setup.

Thank you guys !

Ps : a little bit desperate here
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The 3 is a beast. Apart from disabling the Bluetooth (and depending on what you're going to do) you'll have to restore UART0/ttyAMAo to GPIO 14 and 15.
Try; "~ sudo systemctl disable hciuart" this worked for some serial comms work I was doing.
I'm going to try QLC+ on a Bitwizard any day now and will let you know how it goes
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Anyone working with this .. I got around to creating an ansible config for this:

I am working on the docs now .. but if you know ansible should be easy to use. This is for .. I havn't purchased/configured a pi with the USB port .. yet .. but it's coming ;)
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