Control a slider using a button

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Joined: Tue Apr 25, 2017 6:21 am
Real Name: Roger Ivy

Is it possible to set a slider level using a button?
I'd like to create around four buttons under a slider, each button with increasing intensity. When I click the button I want the slider to move to that level. I still want the ability to then change the level in the slider itself.

Even better would be if a single button could change the levels in several faders.
And finally, would be great to set the timing.
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This is possible with the help of the loopback plugin.
Have a look at the workspace attached. The button sets the fader to a specific value, but the slider still is able to override it. You can scale this to as many sliders as you want. The only drawback is, that as soon as you switch of the button the slider goes back to 0.
(Tested on Xubuntu 14.04 64Bit (Qt5) with latest git sources)
slider button.qxw
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You can accomplish this using the feedback-feature

I've attached a project for you to discover how it works.
If in need of more info - just ask.

Good luck
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Real Name: Roger Ivy

Thanks both. That works well! :)
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Can somebody explain how the button works? What are the key elements to add to it and what do they do?

I downloaded it and tried to figure it out but am new to this so could not get one working like it and couldn't find a way to cut and paste to my project to modify.
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The main feature that is used here is loopback plugin. It allows to use output of anything in QLC+ as external input for something else.
In this case, each of the four buttons control channel 1 in Universe 2, that is used as external input for the slider.

To recreate the system, you need:
  1. separate control universe (one that is not used for DMX output; Universe 2 in this case)
  2. fixtures in this universe for every control channel (in this case only1, patched as dimmer -- that is easiest/most convenient)
  3. buttons in VC to control this channel via related scenes (each button starts respective scene and the scene sets level of the channel). Scenes here are called dummy 10, dummy 50, etc.
  4. Slider's external control is set to Universe 2, channel 1 (manually). You may create an input profile for easier selection.
Note that it usually works better when DMX and control universes are separated, so you may need two additional universes -- one for loopback output (where the fake dimmers are patched) and one for loopback input. Loopback output is where data is sent to loopback, and loopback input is where it is read again, so the naming may sound reversed for the first time. The direction is relative to the rest of QLC+, not relative loopback itself.

Besides these two universes, you'll need you normal universes for your DMX input (where your real fixtures are patched) and for external input from real controllers if you have any.
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can somebody explain to me how this works I have no idea about this...thanks in advance
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