Sequence step channel values get overwritten while clicking through steps

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:44 pm
Real Name: Brian

Hello, I'm running QLC+ v4.11.1 on a Windows 10 PC.

I'm currently trying to program a show and I'm running into issues modifying and clicking around to different steps in a sequence.

I've attached a simple workspace to demonstrate the issue I'm seeing:
  1. Open the workspace and open the shows screen. Editing the only show available.
  2. Notice there are 2 sequences, each with two steps. Make note of the channel values for each step, especially channels 1 & 3
  3. In Sequence 2, click on step 2 from the timeline. When the editor pops up, change the value of ch 3 to something new (255, for example)
  4. Now, from the timeline, click on step 1 from sequence 2. The channel values haven't changed.
  5. Click step 2 again, the channel values haven't changed
  6. Now, from the timeline, click step 1 from sequence 3 and then back to step 2 of sequence 2.
You'll notice one of two things, either one or more channels in Sequence 3 / Step 1 will have changed, or when you click back channel(s) in Sequence 2 / Step 1 will have changed.

If you complete this process of changing channel values and clicking around to different steps and sequences, the issue keeps occurring.

Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Last edited by mbroskamp on Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:39 pm, edited 5 times in total.
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:44 pm
Real Name: Brian

Update: I installed v4.11.0 and v4.10.5b, created new workspaces and I'm able to reproduce it in both of those versions as well. I'm now starting to question whether this is an issue, or maybe I'm just doing something wrong. Perhaps a "feature" that I'm not aware of?

I may have found a pattern to it:
  1. Click Sequence 3, Step 1 in the timeline
  2. Immediately click Sequence 2, Step 2 in the timeline
  3. Notice Sequence 2, Step 1's channel values have been replaced with the values from Sequence 2, Step 2.
Note that if, between (1) and (2), I click off the sequence to de-select S3.1, then the overwriting doesn't happen. Given this, I'm not sure if this is a bug, or a feature. If it's a feature, I'd argue it the program pretty difficult to use; what's the recommended way of switching between sequences and steps?
Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

I don't know if this will help at all, but I downloaded your project, and loaded it into 4.11.1 on a windows 10 laptop. I got a warning while loading the project:
Some errors occurred while loading the project:

Unsupported sequences found. Please convert your project at

Have you upgraded your QLC+ from an earlier version? If so, did you run the uninstall first?

I've found that if you don't run the uninstall, older objects are left in the folder, that may adversely affect the program.
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Real Name: Ken Coughlin

I see what you're saying. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it's not the way I would do what you seem to be doing. Because you're only dealing with 1 light, I would do it the way it is in the attached project.
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Joined: Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:44 pm
Real Name: Brian

Thanks for taking a look. The workspace I uploaded was simplified example, to highlight the behavior. Your workaround is valid for simple cases like this, and I ended up using it for another, simpler show. I am curious to hear if this is the intended behavior or not though. And, in either case, to see if there'd be a way to improve the UX when navigating the show.

Regarding the migration warning, I tried reproducing the issue on several versions of QLC+ and I think I just accidentally uploaded the wrong sample file.

Thanks again for your help!
Posts: 466
Joined: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:43 am
Real Name: Ken Coughlin

Another possible work around, when you complex sequences, is to assign them to separate tracks. Even if you're using the same instruments, changing it on one track does not affect the values on the other.
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