Chauvet Swarm Wash FX

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Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:51 am
Real Name: Stephen Olah


This is my very first DMX fixture, my first controller software, and of course my first definition file. I did copy and paste from the manual as much as possible.

Chauvet Swarm Wash FX:


Definition File:
Definition File:
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User Manual
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Real Name: Stephen Olah

Hello again dear friends. I have found one small error in my original definition file. For Ch 12 - Derby, I had mislabeled the capability range [010 - 014] as "White", when it should have been "Red". I have attached an updated file.

I hang my head in shame. 1,000 apologies and 512 lashes with a wet DMX cable for me.

Revised Definition File:
Ch 12 - Derby - (010 - 014] corrected from "White" to "Red"
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I have made several improvements:

1. Fixed Ch 18 - Changed Group from No Effect to Speed - was causing Ch 18 slider to not appear
2. Fixed SMD Strobe channel capability descriptions - manual says (fast to slow); it is actually (slow to fast)
3. Changed the Lasers channel to the Effect group
4. Added Click and Go colors to the Lasers and Wash Group channel capabilities

Chauvet Swarm Wash FX - IMPROVEMENTS
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Hi, I've made some minor changes - additional physical info and click-and-go colours.
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Real Name: Stephen Olah

Thank you so much!

I wonder if I configured the heads correctly. I was hoping to use RGB MATRIX and have the 8 wash heads available to make patterns, but they don't really work in RGB Matrix. I'm thinking it's because these aren't true RGB heads, meaning no color mixing, no dimming. Can you shed any light on this (pardon the pun).

I really like this fixture especially at the price. A couple disappointments are that there doesn't seem to be any color mixing or dimming. All the lights are super bright, full on or off. Overall I'm glad I bought it, just wondering if I could do better with the way things are defined.

So happy you gave it some attention.

- Stephen
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heads are defined correctly. Unfortunatelly, RGB matrix doesn't support fixed colors (yet?).


Code: Select all

 <Channel Name="Wash Group 1">
  <Group Byte="0">Colour</Group>
Remove the line

Code: Select all

from the definition.

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Thank you all. I've added the definition
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Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2017 8:51 am
Real Name: Stephen Olah

Thank you Massimo! I'm so happy to contribute.
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Real Name: Jake Megraw

Hi all,

I am new to dmx, have decided to get a lixada cheap adapter as people said it worked well with qlc.

I have a chauvet wash fx unit set to dmx 1 and the lixada on the dmx in.

I have the software up with the light set up as a fixture (already included int he new build thank you to the person who did that!)

Its not really doing anything when i move the sliders in the control. I was hoping to use this on friday so is there anyone who might be willing to give me a hand and get this thing doing some stuff, I would be most greatful!

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Wrong place to ask questions here ... this part of the forum deals only with fixture definitions.

Since your are new I'll answer quickly:
Set universe 1 with your Lixada as OUTput (aka your are sending instructions OUT of QLC+)
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