540 degree head moving like 360 degree

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Real Name: Doug Hadfield

Hi All, i have a number of 360 degree moving heads, and I recently added some 540degree. I wanted them to move together, using the same functions as before, but there was no menu feature on the new lights to set them to 360degree. Fortunately, I'm using the emensely powerful and flexible QLCPLUS software (:-)), so I was able to utilise the "Channels Fade Configuration" feature to make my 540degree heads behave as if they were 360! However, I couldn't get the feature to save a custom template, so I copied and edited the "Linear" template using a text editor (I'm using QLCPLUS on Linux, so this was easy). I attach the new template here, which is called "Pan360", in case anyone else finds this useful. It re-maps the pan channel so that the "input" DMX range of 0-255 produces an "output" range to the fixture of 0-170. this gives me exactly 360degrees of rotation at full scale, just like my other heads.

Perfect!! :-)

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Yes indeed a very nice feature.

I use this feature all the time. Heads are hung and reset. Then I manually set them one by one to obtain a middlepoint where I want them to be at 127. Tweaking the channel fade properties I make sure that all heads are pointing at the right spot at 0 and 255 (127 also ofcourse). This procedure is done per head.
So all backdrop heads are sync'd (even if they are mechanically off-position), all sidefill and front heads the same. Then the washers come into play to have some contrast.
It takes quit some work to setup... but the result is a much neater general lightplan and movements are much more in sync... I hate heads running behind because they have to travel way more distance... I hope sometime there will be a solution that you can set the speeds they travel with dynamically. Some advanced heads have this feature built in - but it combersome to programm correctly. (but that's an other discussion)

At the same time I can make sure that they won't shine in spots where I don't want to have them shine (f.i. sitting audience at tables, on the DJ's desk, ...)
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Real Name: Doug Hadfield

Nice! I hadn't thought of using this feature to synchronise the positioning of heads - I'm fairly new to QLCPLUS and moving head lighting, so I'm still very much in learning mode.
thanks for the interesting post.

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Creative mind, haan. Thanks for sharing this creative work with us as well. FM WhatsAppIt's usefful for newbies like me.
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I have a moving head.

This work with a y-pad 0-255. I want to restrict movement to 44-177, after read your posts i was make a Channel-modifier creating this file :

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE ChannelModifier>
<ChannelModifier xmlns="http://www.qlcplus.org/ChannelModifier">
<Name>Q Light Controller Plus</Name>
<Version>4.12.7 GIT</Version>
<Handler Modified="44" Original="0"/>
<Handler Modified="177" Original="255"/>

file: Pan44-177.qxmt on c:/windows/user/qlc+/ModifiersTemplates

My question is: Now, how i can assign this file to my fixture?

Thnks for all
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You don't assign it to a fixture, you assign it to each channel you want to have modified (i.e. pan channel of every fixture of this type).
The assignment is stored in the QXW file.

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In your channel modifier, you need 2 more 'points'.
0= 44
44 = 44
177 = 177
255 = 177
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