'could not find or load the Qt platform plugin' on fresh install

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Does this message ring a bell for anyone? I just installed a fresh Raspian Jessie build on a Pi Model 3 and followed the instructions for Manual Installation to the letter. I get this message regardless of which version of Qt5 I installed...
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "eglfs" in "".

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, wayland, xcb.

Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I have the directory /opt/qt5-rpi/ on my machine and see plugins in the directory there. One clue might be the 'in ""' part of the error message. Is it possible qlcplus is having trouble finding the Qt directory?

I'll poke at this more tomorrow but thought I'd see if anyone can point me in the right direction.

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Are you trying to execute QLC+ from a text console or from within a graphics environment (Xorg) ?
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Only from the text console.
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I am also having the same problem. Fresh install of Raspbian Jessie Lite and qlcplus_4.10.5b_armhf.deb

Was there a solution found?
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Found the solution:

Jessie Lite does not come with Qt5, so you must install this for QLC+ to run.

Code: Select all

apt-get install qt5-default
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I'm still having the issue, and the above command did not help.

Running latest Raspbian (as of date of this post).
Latest QLC+ and qt5 (using the scripts).

Won't run from command or gui.
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I have the same issue! Running on a clean install of Debian Stretch. Could find the root cause yet, was digging for a while now
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I haven't jumped on Stretch yet. I tried it and saw all my packages failing on it (Qt and QLC+)
As usual, they changed a lot of things since Jessie and the way the graphics stack is handled is different.

Long story short: don't use Stretch yet. Stay on Jessie until I do a proper "porting" on Stretch.
If you really need Stretch, you need to build QLC+ from sources on your own, using the Qt libs provided by Raspbian.
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Ugh - same issue here. Running Jessie (not the light version, AFAIK). Getting the following error - and I tried installing the qt5-default libs as suggested above:
This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "eqlfs" in "".

Available platform plugins are: eqlfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimaleq1, offscreen, vnc, xcb.

Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
I'm installing QLC+ on an existing RasPi configuration that I'm installing at a corporate office on Monday. The Raspi will be showing video projection, running a script to power up / down projectors during business hours, and (hopefully) running a simple LED light color scroll. I do have a backup RaspPi here that I'll get up and running with the image provided from QLC, but I'd really like all this on one device if possible. Thank you in advance!
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Is there a resolution to this issue? I'm having the same problem...

Thank you.
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The official QLC+ RPi image includes a Qt version built by me. You need to follow chapter 10 instructions.
QLC+ will not work with the vanilla Qt version provided by Jessie.
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I installed the provided image on a new SD card and started there. I had to install RDP and a VNC library so I could remote login. I also installed so I hope that doesn’t muck with any QLC components.

I have a project I’m deleoping and was hoping to play a video, a couple of simple RS232 scripts, and QLC on the same rpi.

But - I’m not sure if I can run just a command line version of QLC without the GUI? That will interfere with the video player.

I may just load up two pi’s and have one dedicated to qlc.
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djtommye wrote: Sun Nov 26, 2017 4:46 pm But - I’m not sure if I can run just a command line version of QLC without the GUI? That will interfere with the video player.
See this: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=9021
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