Solo Frames behavior

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What is the behavior that you prefer ?

Poll ended at Mon Jul 24, 2017 4:22 pm

old behavior (pre 4.11.0)
the current behavior
Total votes: 8
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I need to write this, cause with 4.11.0 I changed one tiny line of code that made some users unhappy.
Basically it affects the behavior of Buttons in Solo Frames.
For some reasons, over the years we ended up having cases where it was possible to have more than one button active at the same time in a Solo Frame.
While this allowed specific usage cases to be covered, it was clashing with the original idea written in the documentation:
A Solo Frame is almost exactly the same kind of a container as a normal Frame in that can hold various widgets and other frames inside. However, the difference with Solo Frame is that it treats any Buttons inside it differently by allowing only one button to be enabled at a time.
Attached a simple workspace showing what was possible (Chaser and Scenes in a Solo Frame). With 4.11.0 it doesn't work anymore.

So I decided to allow you to vote what you want. My opinion is not relevant here, as what counts the most for me is to have happy QLC+ users.
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What about an option to choose what behaviour you want?
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In this case I would say no.
I can't even image the description for the option in the configuration dialog.
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Real Name: Anders Thomsen

As the original author of SoloFrame I can confirm that the way of the current version (>=4.11) is what was intended back in 2010 :)
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athomsen wrote: Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:31 am As the original author of SoloFrame I can confirm that the way of the current version (>=4.11) is what was intended back in 2010 :)
Hi Anders ! Wow, I didn't even know solo frames were a contribution. I thought they were Heikki's work.
Well, I'm glad after 7 years I finally brought them to what they were supposed to be ! :)
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While on the topic of solo frames, something that has been bothering me lately: Can solo frames be set to enforce one of the solo buttons to be active at all times? My use case is as a DJ. I have a solo frame with each button in the solo frame representing a different lighting effect. The buttons are triggered by external midi control. Touching any button switches to that effect. Perfect. The problem is when I hit the same button twice, all the lights turn off (as no effect is active), which makes the room go black, which is bad, and it's quite easy to do.

Is there another way to configure QLC to accomplish this?

If a blackout option were required, one could program one of the solo frame buttons to be 'no effect' (or blackout).


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Hey Steve,

as far as I know this is not possible at the moment.
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