In the SHOW menu, HOLD- INFINITE...

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Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:54 am
Real Name: kim kh

In the SHOW menu, both tracks " HOLD-INFINITE " and press Play.
The replay stops playing in part A of the picture. Is there anything wrong with me?
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Do not use infinite in the show manager.
It just doesn't make sense and most likely leads QLC+ to crash (because it really tries to represent an infinite item !)

I definitely need to remove/disable that option in the Show Manager
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Real Name: kim kh

Is there a way to keep the lights off when the timeline (yellow line) goes to the end in "SHOW " mode?

What I would like to do is, when I create a button by connecting "SHOW " in "VC " mode, I want to keep the lights from "SHOW " until this button is released.
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A Chaser with the Show as first step and a Scene as second step with infinite hold
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Joined: Sat Jun 25, 2016 11:54 am
Real Name: kim kh

Thank you!! Everything turned out all right thanks to your help. I appreciate it. :)
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