Copying sequences links copies to originals

The issues found when using the Function Manager panel
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In the latest version 4.11.0, when you copy a Sequence to the clipboard and paste it. The two sequences (the original and copied) remain linked. Add a fixture to the original after you duplicate, the copy will have that added fixture. Likewise when you delete a fixture from the original, it is gone from the copy. (This works both ways.)
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@mcallegari: ... ce.cpp#L76:

Code: Select all

m_boundSceneID = sequence->m_boundSceneID;
This uses the same bound scene. It should copy the scene as well.

@ralbrightii: thanks for reporting!

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Note: the bound scene should also be deleted somewhere when the sequence is deleted.
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This is wanted.
If you have 30 sequences on the same track of a Show, you might want to share the same Scene instead of creating a new one each time.

To distinguish 2 sequences, copy all the steps of a Sequence, create a new Sequence and paste the steps.

Otherwise every single Sequence in a project would create a bound Scene and I don't see a point in doing that.
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