update channel in cue list

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Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:01 pm
Real Name: ramlaos

Hey friends
I have been using the software for a long time and it meets many parameters to perform respectable lighting work but in the state of theater lighting parameter changes is done in 4 operations click is there a way to update a chanel in A short way Thanks to
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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Can you please elaborate ?
A Cue List reproduces a Chaser, and doesn't control channels directly. I don't understand what is this 4-click operation you're referring to.
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Real Name: ramlaos

Thanks I'll explain first the operate mode is on now cue list on dimmer 1 onb50% change to 100% if im not worng 1-go to live edit 2-running function 3-the scene 4-find the dmx channel and change
I did not mean to be upset just to ask if there was a short way maybe in the new one thanks again
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Moved to usage questions as this is not an issue.

At the moment, yes, function live editing requires 4 clicks. We can reduce it to 3 if the Function Selection dialog remembers if you clicked on "running functions".

However, if you are continuously editing running functions, then maybe there's something wrong in the project design, and you may need to reconsider how you designed your virtual console
Posts: 32
Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:01 pm
Real Name: ramlaos

heyy Massimo God bless you and Everyone
first Thanks for move the Subject to the right place it will be
Wonderful to do the live edit change in 3 Operation move
now i must say there is Nothing worng with my way of Use the Q LIGHT CONTROLLER
IN The lighting world you need to respond quickly its about live performances evry day
Every day at work lighting operation should match the nature of the show
Theater Music TV shows movies and more
I apologize i didnt wrote the cue list is on infinite mode so all the show cue to cue so the update a Channel
Need to be fast
For example stage with light cue list mode infinite next cue black
Even if you make a slider in level mode for
To increase and decrease light in the next cue that is black the slider will not get 0% you need to rest the slider and Clicking to next cue
I suggest two options please please get to the channel immediately CHANNEL NumberTHE DMX CHANGE store and the second rest the slider in level mode option in the next go in the CUE LIST when Work cue list infinite

THANKS ALLOT Massimo for the feedback
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