sequence in a cue list

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Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:50 am
Real Name: Marco DAmelio

HI everyone. I'm in trouble with sequence and cue list interaction in virtual consolle panel.

I've created a chase and put into a cue list. One of the chase step is a scene with a loop sequence inside.

The sequence works in the function panel but it doesn't work in the virtual consolle panel when i activate the cuelist.

Does anyone can help me?

Thanks everybody

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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Hi Marco,

You might like to post the workspace here for someone to have a look at.

I will take a guess, and say, it will be related to fade times in the cue list. It has been a topic of many forum discussions but there is an issue when you have a fade time in the cue list over-riding the fade times in the sequence (or anything else that has a fade time).

I may be wrong in my guess, so please post your workspace


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Real Name: Marco DAmelio

Thanks Mark,

the scene with the loop sequence inside is called "prova". It's the last one in to the cue list.

I attached the workspace.

Thank you again.

prova loop.qxw
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prova is set to a duration of 0ms /// so in a blink of an eye it's bye bye prova...

Set appropriate time for duration in prova AND your sequence won't work because duration is set to endless...
set f.i. prova for a duration of 8s and in the sequence a duration of 1s... now you'll end up with flashing lights at the end of the cue-list.
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Real Name: Marco DAmelio

It'works, i put just the sequence inside the cuelist bypassing the scene function.

Thanks all of you


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Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Hi Marco,

Thanks for posting.

It is strange behaviour and I can confirm what you have observed. Sequences in cuelists don't seem to work. I tried a variety of configurations with different fade in times etc but no success.

I was able to get a marginally better result by adding the sequence to a chaser and then add that to the cuelist chaser. It was still affected by the fade in times (that is the fade in times in the cuelist took precedence over the ones in the sequence (this behaviour has been observed before and a solution is being sought - i think plugz is working on it))

I did a bit of a convoluted work around using the loopback plugin to effectively click a button controlling the sequence for the best result. I created a dummy fixture in a second universe and then created a scene with it and added it to the chaser. I then looped the output to a button running the sequence.

I have modified your show file to indicate the changes. I am working in QLC+ 4.11.0. and had to convert your showfile.

You should be able to see the affects of each method in the cuelist.


prova loop_migrated.qxw
Converted for 4.11.0 with Cuelist options to run sequence
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Real Name: Mark Lohrey


I saw your post after my investigations. I tested your suggested method and it didn't work. Did it work for you?

I am using QLC+ 4.11.0 on MacOSX. I would be interested in your results.


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didn't have the chance to post feedback yet

no it is not working ... solved it by an old fashioned chaser instead of sequence.
Wanted to post the OPP but as said - didn't have the time yet
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