Exclude some dimmers from GM & Blackout?

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Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:03 pm
Real Name: Collin

Is there a way to exclude specific dimmer channels from the GM slider and Blackout button?

I have two channels of a dimmer pack set to switched mode that are used to power up LED fixtures. However, this means that using the GM to fade everything or the Blackout button turns the power off for those fixtures.

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Real Name: Collin

Thanks for the reply.

The DMX parking discussion doesn't apply exactly to my situation, because I can't hardcode those channels to a fixed value.

The channels of the switcher/dimmer box that control the switched function take DMX 0-49% as a command to turn off a relay to cut the power to that channel and 50-100% set the relay to turn power on.

Since I don't want the LED fixtures attached to those power sockets switched on all the time, "parking" the DMX values to hardcode ON wouldn't work.

I need to be able to still control the DMX value to those channels to be able to turn the fixture on/off, but exclude those from being fade by the GM or Blackout. As the situation stands, I don't have a way to fade everything out because that would turn off the LED fixtures.
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Easy solution:

In the virtual console :
* Create a frame
* Put your sliders (dimming channels) in that frame
* Add a fader in submaster mode.

The last one will act as a the 'GM' for the other channels in the frame. (And won't touch the channels you want to keep in the 'on'-state.)

Now you can preset your scenes and dim them together.

Makes me think of a nice feature... (add-on to the park-feature)
Thru feedback being able to offset the pre-set sliders...
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