Hi Mr mcallegari and other advanced users please,
I need your help, i love QLC+ but im having a problem i cant solve....
Let me explain, im a keyboard player and would like to trigger my show lights for each music via hotkeys or via midi notes, i already made sequences, Scenes, dmx configuration and all....
I already tried solo frames , buttons etc... and i cant make for example 2 solo frames or frames to start and stop via commands at same time...
here is what i need to do:
I just need to know HOW to assemble this example:
* I have 6 par leds, 2 moving rotating bar beams 8x10w and a led curtain at my back
* in fron t of me i have 2 Par 64 10x9w and 2 jbSystems Plano spot
What i just need is : trigger them (back and front) at same time ( via midi or hotkey ) but that the back will make colour changes and movements i designed for each music and the front Par led stay fixed using one colour like white for example and in other programations maybe that the front will change colour slowly...
How can i achieve to do this ??
I can do this using Freestyler in my Mac using Paralles desktop but i would like to use my mac only with Mac apps and i love QLC+ and is more stable...!
I apreciate any help you all can give me.
Best regards,