Please help with a laser definition creation

Request a fixture definition here
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Posts: 7
Joined: Mon May 30, 2016 10:31 pm
Real Name: Caleb Perez

Hey guys,

I can't seem to figure out how you use the fixture editor with a laser to create a fixture profile. I have tried and tried, and nothing has worked. Can someone please help me?

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Real Name: Jano Svitok

Can you explain what did you do and what is the problem?
Tell us the make and model of your fixture and attach here what did you do so far. Is it the one from viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10772 ?

Did you copy the fixture to proper folder? question #5

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Real Name: Massimo Callegari

Please avoid posts with a title like "Please help me".
It doesn't say anything about your problem and other users might not even be wanting to click on it
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