Sliders in VC should be able to act like Simple Desk sliders, i.e. overriding the current cue level

Request a feature that you would like to see in QLC+.
Explain in details why you would need it and which is your usage case.
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Please try again one more time.
Let's hope this is the good one :)
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Hi Massimo,

Good news. I wasn't able to lock the sliders.

Bad news.
1. Over-ride sliders don't appear to be affecting the DMX being sent. ( see start of video)
2. Strange things seem to happen when the over-ride sliders are set to zero and DMX output is set to 254. (see end of video)

See this video: ... t.mp4?dl=0

3. Selecting blend mode causes files not to save correctly.
(I was testing the new fader feature to see if that was causing screen lock ups and also wether fading with matrices with fade time would work)

See this video: ... s.mp4?dl=0



PS. Internet is slow here and videos make take some time to upload
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mlohrey wrote:Good news. I wasn't able to lock the sliders.
Very good, thanks for testing.
mlohrey wrote:1. Over-ride sliders don't appear to be affecting the DMX being sent. ( see start of video)
2. Strange things seem to happen when the over-ride sliders are set to zero and DMX output is set to 254. (see end of video)
Alright, I will have a look into it tonight.
mlohrey wrote:3. Selecting blend mode causes files not to save correctly.
Actually it was saved correctly but not loaded correctly. I've just applied a fix on git.
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OK, hopefully now it's all solved.

If you have the chance, please test the latest GIT code or automated builds.
Thanks !
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Hi Massimo,

Was able to test this morning and couldn't cause any errors. I will continue to test but it looks good. Thanks.

The over-ride works very well and the cue list functionality is much improved.

I had a thought while testing. It would be great if the active cue in a cue list was coloured green. It would match the over-ride slider green and be a strong colour to indicate the active cue and link the concept. At the moment it is grey and changes if you click another cue (as mentioned elsewhere in the forum).

Also, the linked faders make it possible to fade a matrix, chaser or collection correctly and serves as a work around to the issues with fade times in cue lists. (It would be great to resolve this problem of though :D)

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Hi Massimo,

just found the time to do some testing. I was not able to find any error related to the new Fader feature any more. It seems that the merge and the bug fixes have been successful!

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I'm looking forward to using this feature in a future stable release, and have been testing. So far it is working great!

One question - is it possible to reset all fader overrides at once, or if not, might this be considered for adding as a feature? I'm using a large number of frames, some hidden and/or disabled, and it would be nice to clear all overrides with a single button (like in Simple Desk) rather than hunt for faders with red X's.
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mdmayfield wrote:One question - is it possible to reset all fader overrides at once, or if not, might this be considered for adding as a feature? I'm using a large number of frames, some hidden and/or disabled, and it would be nice to clear all overrides with a single button (like in Simple Desk) rather than hunt for faders with red X's.
You could simply assign the same external input to all of the reset buttons. Please note that this will have no effect on widgets, that are in disabled frames.
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siegmund wrote:Please note that this will have no effect on widgets, that are in disabled frames.
Thanks for the response. Yes, this is precisely the issue and the reason I would like to see a universal Reset Overrides feature.

I am using an OSC control surface to control 28 different RGBW PARs. My custom layout includes four sliders (R, G, B, W) and 28 push buttons. In QLC+ I have 28 frames, each of which is enabled/disabled by a control surface pushbutton. Inside each frame is a group of four Level Mode sliders, all manipulated by the same four OSC controls, but running a different lighting instrument per frame.

In this way I can enable or disable fixtures to be controlled by the four RGBW controls very easily, but in order to release the fader overrides after dumping DMX to a function, I must either remember exactly which fixtures I used, or push all 28 buttons to enable all frames, reset the override, then push all 28 buttons to disable the frames again.

As you can imagine this is rather tedious so if possible I would like to find a way to reset all overrides in one go.

Thank you!

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You are (presumably) using this setup to install / pre-programm your show...
Creative solution you came up with...
If you look at other desks you are simulating 'locate' 'highlite' and 'low-light' features found with those. The 'clear' button on those desks is of course indispensible ... I see your point.
Question aside: how do you cope with dumping all selected values in cue's? You can only set RGBW values with enabled frames...

Maybe there would be a clever way to deal with setting up / pre-programming a show.
[excuse me for being off-topic - I realise now]
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I see your use case. Since I consider this a very rare one, let me suggest another solution:
You could use a script, which enables all frames, resets all overrides and finally disables all frames again. You will need loopback and multiple external inputs per widget for this, which is currently only possible with the help of loopback (there was a thread about this, but I'm not able to find it at the moment). Please try it by yourself and ask if you are stuck. Unfortunately I don't have time at the moment to come up with a workspace file to illustrate what I mean.
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Maybe we should start a new thread -> maybe here viewtopic.php?f=29&t=10817&p=46595#p46595 because there we discuss the setup
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GGGss wrote:Maybe we should start a new thread -> maybe here viewtopic.php?f=29&t=10817&p=46595#p46595 because there we discuss the setup
Please start a new thread - the thread you mentioned discusses a very different topic and is somehow solved for the opener.
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I posted this in other forum post.

After testing recent changes in slider monitor features I found a strange behavior. In the attached workspace I create 4 scenes this scenes controls dimmer fixtures.

Scene One with 2 dimmers first set to full, second set to zero.
Scene Two with 2 dimmers first set to zero, second set to full.
Scene One-1 with dimmer 1 set to full.
Scene Two-1 with dimmer 2 set to full.
Chaser OneTwo with scenes On and Two.
Chaser OneTwo-1 with scenes One-1 and Two-1

Virtual console
2 Sliders in monitor mode one per channel/dimmer.
Cue list OneTwo with scenes One and Two
Cue list OneTwo-1 with scenes One-1 and Two-1

Playing OneTwo cue list the sliders follow the values correctly, showing the values changing smoothly.
Playing OneTwo-1 cue list. When change to next step, the slider monitoring actual step falls to zero immediately, but the fixture monitor shows the correct values.

Is this the correct behavior?.
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I have now had a look of this and I really like it!!

One small intriguing thing I have noticed:

When there is a function running, you can adjust the slider by dragging the slider button with the mouse. The value of the channel changes (remains changed) and the red X becomes enabled and works as exected. But, you cannot use the mouse scroll button for this. For some reason, if you hover over the slider, and move the mouse scroller, then the value changes while you are scrolling, but it snaps back to the scene's value when you stop scrolling. It is as if the scroll button does not trigger the new code. If you first move the button with the mouse, then the scroll wheel works.

One of my main use cases for this, is to make small adjustments to moving head spotlight positions during a show, when the actor singer has not ended up where we programmed her/him to be. Being able to make small adjustments with the mouse would be perfect.
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Really love the new slider / monitor functions. They work really well for me.

Just one question ...
When the the slider is in knob mode, is it supposed to have the monitor function as well?
I notice that the green monitor display follows the knob position, not the monitored level.
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Sorry for my bad english.
Is there any other thread for these questions here?
I want to be able to edit the live scene (just for the moment, without saving) and cross smoothly to the next scene.
Here is one option I build.
Can you tell me, if there is a easier way to edit the light on stage live (without saving) and go smoothly to the next scene? And how does it work with moving heads? Is there a way to select "Monitor the selected channels and update the slider level" in a XY-Pad, so that the blue get to the position of the grey point?

Did you control a XY-Pad with en external controller? With the arrow-keys and mouse it works fine, that the output has as example Pan:125 and Pan Fine:242. When I control with a Gamepad (is that the problem?) Pan and Pan Fine have the same value. When I reduce the working area, the values are good, but then i cant control over the hole working area. Of course not the main area, but also in the working area it seems to be a unvisible border. There is the value of Pan nearly constant, but Pan Fine jumps between 0 and 255.
Thank you for your help.

My version of smooth crossing:
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