By the way Massimo I have a question on the behaviour. Just for curiosity, but what is the reason for completly resetting and recreation of all the universes on everey tick? I'm sure there is a reason but I don't get it.
HTP is the reason. In fact LTP channels don't get reset.
Only starting from 0 and going through all the entities contributing to a channel value in a universe you can obtain "the winner" with the highest level.
Do you see any possibilty of getting this thing stable enough to be part of an offical release with affordabel effort? If yes I could use some advice/help
Unfortunately it's not an easy feature to implement. If I had to do it, I could think of some exotic solutions, but none of them really convice me.
Moreover, the ID order is "hidden" to the users, so you would get weird behaviours and couldn't explain why. I need to think some more how this could be implemented.
Is such a behaviour/use case even desired from your point of view?
Seeing the participation to this thread, I understand this is quite a wanted feature so I believe it should be implemented, in the proper way.
On the other hand, and speaking on a more generic level, during the last 4 years I implemented a lot of new major stuff, but I also added a gazillion of new options, especially to VC widget configuration pages. Last but not least: play/pause vs play/stop button in VC Cue List widget.
My fear is that adding and adding and adding more options will end up in a Frankenstein software, which could be appreciated by "power users" like you guys, but might totally confuse newcomers, who might want to choose an easier software.
With QLC+ 5 I want to break this tendency, because in my opinion it is counter-productive. My idea is that QLC+ should be an intuitive software, where you need to read the manual only if you are an advanced user. In any case my feeling is that users don't read the manual anyway...
So the idea is to hide all the "extra options" into some "advanced" section on each component. Idea pretty much taken from Videolan Client, or Kodi if you prefer.
Also, the basic options are the ones covering 90% of the user needs, while advanced options cover just the remaining 10%. So there's no need to confuse 90% of the users for the good of the 10%.
So, please standby and give me some more days to think about it. Probably during xmas holidays I can dedicate some time to come up with a prototype and see if it satisfies your needs