QLC+ Web Interface With Mac OSX 10.75

Ask a question about the usage of QLC+ with the Mac OSX operating system
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I've tried to get the QLC+ web interface activated a couple of times on my Mac using Terminal, but I'm getting "No Such File Or Directory" when I type in "QLC+.app\Contents\MacOS." The program is terrific... I'd like to run it via my tablet.

I renamed the file image "QLC+.DMG" (it previously had the version as part of the file name). Since my QLC+ program resides within my Applications folder, I've tried including the Applications directory within the command, still the same result. Assuming the image is "QLC+.dmg" residing within the Applications folder, can somebody please give me the exact terminal commands to get the web interface activated step by step? Thank you and happy holidays!
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"QLC+.app\Contents\MacOS" is a directory within the bundle.
You need also to invoke the actual QLC+ binary, like this:

Code: Select all

QLC+.app\Contents\MacOS\qlcplus --web
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Hi Massimo,

Thank you for your help.

You know, I just copied and pasted that into my terminal. This is what I get: (see attached screenshot).

I hate to be a pain.

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most probably you need to use forward slashes ('/') instead of backslashes ('\').

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I did try using forward slashes and the "open" command. I could actually see the "Framework," MacOS, Plugins, Resources folders, but I couldn't get the program to open up and have the web server. Keeping at it.
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Hi Tracy,

If you have installed QLC+ in your applications directory then use this terminal command:

/Applications/QLC+.app/Contents/MacOS/qlcplus -w

Otherwise, a neat way of specifying a file path in terminal is to drag and drop the location.

Right-click the QLC+ application and then choose 'show package contents' then navigate to >content > macOS and drag and drop the qlcplus application into new terminal shell. You can then add the -w.

You can now access the web interface at http://localhost:9999/ (localhost should work but it will depend on your hosts file. Sometimes they can get messed up. Use the ip of your mac otherwise.)


Chris De Rock
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Just seen this Thread and looking at the code... For Mac OS we can modify the Launcher, add an extra button "Launch with webaccess" and call "launchQLC(QApplication::arguments() << "--web"); ". i testet this and it works. Maybe we can add a Shortcut for windows user too
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Chris De Rock wrote: Tue Apr 25, 2017 7:55 am Just seen this Thread and looking at the code... For Mac OS we can modify the Launcher, add an extra button "Launch with webaccess" and call "launchQLC(QApplication::arguments() << "--web"); ". i testet this and it works. Maybe we can add a Shortcut for windows user too
Could you elaborate on this a bit. please
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