Speed Dial in virtual console

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Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:49 am
Real Name: Herbert Schreiber

I have the following problem.

On the virtual Console I have a lot of seperat scenes. I would like to set the fade in and fade out time with a speed dial widget, but it doesn´t work.

I have ap. 30 Buttons for the scenes. All of them in a red frame. Additional a speed dial in the same frame. In the Funktionlist of the speed dial are all scenes selected. For testing I have set some from NOT SENT to 0. But all the time the changes runs with 0s.

Can somebody explain whats wrong?

Thanks (sorry for my bad english) :(
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Can you attach here your QXW file and any custom QXF files so people can have a look what do you exactly have?
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Real Name: Herbert Schreiber


additional are the two files.

But I would like to say what I want to do or to have.

I have a button matrix on my virtual console. I don´t want to predefine a fade in and fade out time in the settings. It would be graet to have the button matrix and a speed dial widget to set the fade in and fade out time for all of them with one click.

So the main question is, where can I define in the configuration of the speed dail to change the fade in or fade out time. I think thats my main problem that I don´t know how to set up.

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For fade ins/outs set a value different than 0 or (Not Sent) to respective column.

(Not Sent) means the fade in/fade out/duration time of the function is not affected at all
all other values are multipliers, so the fade out/etc. is set to multiplier x time of the speed dial.
If multiplier is 0, the result is always 0s.
If multiplier is 1 the time from speed dial is used directly
1/2 - half of speed dial time is used
2 - double of the speed dial time is used.

Note that "fade in" time is included in the duration, but fade out is not. I.e. duration = fade in + hold.
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Real Name: Herbert Schreiber


thanks for your answer.

I have done. Fade in all set to 0. But it doesn´t work.

I am looking on the DMX out window and it makes no different between 0s or 10s.

Beside is my file. Perhaps you can test it on my file.

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Another hint: you can have more speed dials: one for fade in+fade out and another for duration, or three separate speed dials.
Speed dial only for fade in means that in fade incolumn you fill desired values (1?) and all other columns you set to Not Sent.
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* You are trying to set the Fade In and Fade Out of the functions
* In the speed dial properties:
** the Fade In Factor column has all its values set to 0, so the speed dial will set the Fade In of the functions to 0
** the Fade Out Factor column has all its values set to (Not Sent), so the speed dial will not have any effect on the Fade Out of the functions
** the Duration Factor column has all its values set to 1, so the speed dial will change the duration of the functions. But as the functions are scenes, it won't change anything for real
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hmschreiber wrote:Fade in all set to 0
You MUST NOT use 0 = it's basic math. 0 x X seconds = 0 seconds
Use 1 for start.

Du musst 0 benutzen NICHT! 0 mal 10 Sekunden ist immer 0 Sekunden.
Gib da 1 zu beginnen ein. Das Nummer is Multiplikator fuer die Zeit von Speed Dial.
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Real Name: Herbert Schreiber

@ janosvitok

great, that was my fault. Now its working.

By the way, is it possible to set all scenes in the speed dial setup to 1? Or only step by step?

Thank you for your great help.
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hmschreiber wrote:By the way, is it possible to set all scenes in the speed dial setup to 1? Or only step by step?
As far as I know this is not possible. But I would appreciate such a feature a lot!
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The fastest way I can imagine for now is to open the QXW file in a text editor and do search and replace... :)
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Real Name: Herbert Schreiber


thats a very good idea, but I have to make some tests because the values are

<Function FadeIn="6" FadeOut="0" Duration="6">47</Function>
<Function FadeIn="6" FadeOut="0" Duration="6">46</Function>
<Function FadeIn="6" FadeOut="0" Duration="6">45</Function>
<Function FadeIn="6" FadeOut="0" Duration="6">2</Function>
<Function FadeIn="6" FadeOut="0" Duration="6">1</Function>

So, I need to know what 6 and 0 means, because the settings are 0 and NOT SENT.

I will try a little bit and tell the results.


By the way, for me it is the best software for DMX. I love it. :)
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See https://github.com/mcallegari/qlcplus/b ... tion.h#L38

Code: Select all

enum SpeedMultiplier
        None = 0,
So: 0 = None, 1 = Zero, .... 6 = One,..., 10 = Sixteen
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:49 am
Real Name: Herbert Schreiber


great, that is the explanation I am looking for.

Thanks a lot, also for that great community.
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