QLC+ 5 Preview - Update #1

A place where updates of QLC+ activities and technical articles are posted as if it was a blog
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That's awesome news!!!
OSX 10.10.5 QLC+ 4.9.1
Surface Pro4 Windows 10
Raspberry Pi B OLA 0.95
Raspberry Pi 2B QLC+

Swisson XMt-350
Chauvet RDM2Go
Enttec Pro Mk2
ultraDMX Micro

Korg nanoKONTROL2
Korg nanoPAD2
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Real Name: Kevin van Oosterhout

This looks amazing :D. keep up the good work :).

For the multi user scenario you described a while back. All of our staff at a venue has an iPad at all times. it would be great if they could remote control some aspects. For us it usually means it has 3~5 devices connected. If it could bear that load would be great. 2 should be sufficient as far as i could imagine.

Maybe also an idea to keep multi touch interfaces in mind. We usually have a touchscreen with 10 finger multi touch connected to the main PC. I know microsoft has great support for multitouch but i don't know about OSX as i just switched. if i could control several faders at the same time that would be great :).
Just some idea to think about :).
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Real Name: Matthias

This looks very promissing.

Is there any planned timeline when QLC+ 5 will be available?
Or is there any possiblity to get some early acces to test it? I won't be a big problem if i have to build it on my own.
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Baer wrote:This looks very promissing.

Is there any planned timeline when QLC+ 5 will be available?
Or is there any possiblity to get some early acces to test it? I won't be a big problem if i have to build it on my own.
What part of "Do not ask for a release date !" isn't clear to you ?
Everything I do is online, and as Jano suggested you can build it on your own....which is pointless at the moment, since QLC+ 5 is very incomplete and cannot even save a project. It would destroy an existing project if it would.

When there is something usable, be sure I will notify everyone about it. I will not accept feedbacks on QLC+ 5 right now cause it's premature and, again, it's pointless.
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mcallegari wrote:
Baer wrote:This looks very promissing.

Is there any planned timeline when QLC+ 5 will be available?
Or is there any possiblity to get some early acces to test it? I won't be a big problem if i have to build it on my own.
What part of "Do not ask for a release date !" isn't clear to you ?
Everything I do is online, and as Jano suggested you can build it on your own....which is pointless at the moment, since QLC+ 5 is very incomplete and cannot even save a project. It would destroy an existing project if it would.

When there is something usable, be sure I will notify everyone about it. I will not accept feedbacks on QLC+ 5 right now cause it's premature and, again, it's pointless.
Why are you so pissed off, on someone interessted in your project.

The original post is nearly a year old an i just was wondering if there's any plan if it will take some month or some years....

I will build it no my own and no fear you don't have to support me on that...
Just thought the git repo is mayby only for qlc+4, didn't realize qlc+5 is also developed here... Thats why i was asking.

just was curious about the current look and feel of the new ui

Thanks @jano: question perfectly answered
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the code is in git repo. You have to enable qmlui subdir. This may work: qmake "CONFIG += qmlui" or just edit the qlc.pro file.
You need to use QT5 qmake, the newer the better (i.e. 5.6 or 5.7 if possible).

Chris De Rock
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I compiled QLC+ with CONFIG += qmlui (with QT 5.7 (works great)) but QLC+ looks like the old one. Do i need any startup options?

EDIT: solved. just found qlcplus-qml ;)
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Real Name: David H Silber

I have just completed the run of a theatrical show for which I controlled the lighting via QLC+. This was my first use of this software. There were quite a few rocky moments, some of which were certainly due to my lack of familiarity with QLC+, but there were plenty of places where the UI made things awkward. I am really pleased to see in this video that UI issues are being addressed for QLC+ 5.

I would like to mention a couple of use cases. I think it is likely that your UI rewrite addresses them, but I couldn't be sure from the video.

The way I arranged things for my show was a chaser used as a cue list, containing collections which contained scenes. Often scenes were reused in several collections and certain collections were used in multiple places within the chaser. (Someone please let me know if there is a better way to do this.)

When I wanted to change the look of a collection, I had to edit the collection to see what scenes it contained, then go find those scenes on the master list to be able to edit them. I really wanted to be able to just select one of the contained scenes while editing the collection and immediately be editing it.

Another thing I really wanted was to be able to edit multiple things at the same time. For example, a collection and several of its contained scenes. I couldn't tell for sure if that is possible with QLC+ 5. I understand that you want to make this work well with very little screen space, but I'm sure I am not alone in being willing to connect multiple monitors to a computer for use in designing a show, and being able to keep lots of information in view is a great help.

Also, a very useful view would be a table showing all the steps in a chaser, and for each step show the value of each channel. This would have made it much easier to track changes while editing the show away from the theater. (I had limited hours of access.) It would also make it easy to see if the positioning of moving lights was done in the step before the intensity was raised.

If there is any way I can help with this, please let me know. I would be happy to beta test this or contribute code. Since I'm asking for a view I don't think you had planned on, I think it appropriate that I offer to create it.
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