QLC+ not launched with qlcplus_raspbian_jessie_20160529 on PiZero

All the topics related to QLC+ on the Raspberry Pi
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i have installed the last image: qlcplus_raspbian_jessie_20160529
On PI2, it works well
But on Pizero, no way to get GUI running.
A ps shows none qlc process,

When i try to start qlcplus, nothing comes out on console, neither in logs.
But still no qlc process running, neither GUI.
Web Interface of course does not work.

Has anyone tested Massimo 's image on Pizero?

Last edited by stef35 on Wed Jun 08, 2016 2:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Chris De Rock
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imho the jessie-image is only for Pi2 and Pi3 (correct me if i'm wrong). Current QT has different build-options for Pi2/3 and older versions.
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I don't have a Pi Zero, and as far as I know it's quite similar to the RPi 1, which is not supported anymore by my image.
As written here the supported Pis are only 2 and 3.

By the way, my name is Massimo...
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mcallegari wrote:I don't have a Pi Zero, and as far as I know it's quite similar to the RPi 1, which is not supported anymore by my image.
As written here the supported Pis are only 2 and 3.

By the way, my name is Massimo...
Sorry Massimo, fixed ;-)
Too bad pizero is not supported
Chris De Rock
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You can compile QT and QLC+ for the Pi Zero by yourself. Its not a big problem.
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