Cue List Colouring

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Posts: 243
Joined: Mon Apr 20, 2015 5:07 am
Real Name: Mark Lohrey

Hi all,

I have been using QLC+ mostly for theatre type lighting situations and am using a cuelist to move from one scene to the next.

I noticed an orange square highlighting the cue number that seemed to be showing the upcoming forward step. It was a tad annoying as it distracted from the active cue. However, once having read the help documentation, it seems there should also be a blue square on the active cue. I believe this is to help if you are manually fading between cues.

I think the the missing blue square may be a bug.

If you change the behaviour of side faders to steps, the orange square disappears and the active cue is shown as a greyed out line. This is OK as an indication until you click on a cue in the cue list, when the greyed line disappears. This is a bit disconcerting when you are in the middle of a complex show and you aren't sure which cue is running.

It would be good if there was a very obvious indication of the active cue and that it couldn't be changed by clicking on.



QLC+ 4.10.3a
Mac OSX 10.11.3
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